Real? Or not?

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Unknown location:

Sonic woke up to find him self in a tube. He looked around and saw nothing but darkness, he looked down to see he was in his normal body. Suddenly out of the Shadows came Mephiles. "Well well well look who woke up" he said with a smirk as he presses a button and the tube opened up.

Sonic got out of the tube and got in a fighting position, "what's going on Mephiles?!" He asked looking right at the amused form. "Well you see Sonic, when you got hit by that blast you got sent here, I place were I can control you and no one can help you. This is your own mind if you like to call it, and there is no way out of here, unless you defeat me that is" he explained walking circles around Sonic.

Sonic tried to send a spin dash at Mephiles, but with a simply snap of his fingers Sonic was turned back to his toddler form. "Hey! What happened?" He asked, his voice high pitched once more. "I told you before, I control you here" Mephiles answered before Picking up Sonic by the back of his neck. Sonic kicked him in the face and ran away.

Sonic was surprised when he got turned into his 8 year old form. "What? Why!" He asked as Mephiles looked like he was smirking. "I can't hurt you as much as I want in your toddler form, but in this form, you can support more pain" he said before throwing a blast as Sonic, who went flying into a wall head first. Being a 8 year old he wasn't the strong 15 year old and his eyes started to tear up, "no! I'm still Sonic the hedgehog!" He yelled before running towards Mephiles and kicked him on the head. Mephiles fell down with a growl before reappearing behind Sonic and hitting him hard on the head.

Sonic slowly got up rubbing his head, were he knew there was going to be a bruise. "I think it will be easier and more fun to kill you in real life, see you in a few day" he said with a laugh before disappearing , leaving Sonic in the dark. He sat down before he heard a voice calling him and it sounded like his friends. He closed his eyes and tried to listen to them.

Shadow walked into the room were Sonic had been in for a few days now. He was surprise when a bruise appeared on Sonic head. "Tails! Silver!" He yelled as he checked Sonic's head. "What?!" Silver and Tails yelled as then ran into the room, almost falling as they did so. Shadow showed the bruise and Tails started to check Sonic from head to toe.

"It seems as if he is in some kind of mental state" Tails said as the results popped up on his computer. "Don't worry Sonic we will find a way to bring you back, just hold on bro" Tails said before leaving the room to see if he could make some king of machine to help him.

Silver walked up to Sonic and put a hand on his forehead, don't worry Sonic, soon you will be running again and laughing and annoying us" Silver said with a slight smile before covering up Sonic with a blanket and leaving him.

Now it was just Shadow and Sonic in the room. Shadow sat down beside Sonic before putting a bandage on Sonic's head and watched as Sonic showed pain and hurt all over his face. "Well they say that people can hear you sometimes when there in a state like this, so I don't know if you can hear me or not but, ....... Just like Silver and Tails said, you will be ok and I'll make sure of that, it not the same without your smart talk" he chuckled before looking out of the window. "I don't know what I will go without my little brother" Shadow said with a sign before turning and and his eyes widened.

"Sonic?" He asked as Sonic's eyes slowly opened and he looked around 

another chapter!!! Yay!!! Hope y'all enjoy it! Till next time!!

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