chapter 4 a memory to remember

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Voice* You wish to see your past

Glow* Yes I want to know what happened to my parents

Voice* As you wish

--------flash back--------

Glow's Mom* I'm so happy I have such a wonderful daughter

Glow's Dad* Yes and that her fiancé is the prince that will be king of Light and Glow will be the queen of dark

Glow's Mom* Well at least nothing will get in the way

Glow's Dad* Its time for Glow and Light to go to bed

Light's Mom* Ok Light time for bed

Baby Light* Whaaaaa Whaaaaa

Light's Dad* Yup its time for bed all right

Baby Glow* H-hi Light

Baby Light* Hi G-Glow

Baby Glow* Do you hear that

Baby Light* No but I sense it


Glow's Mom Light's Mom Light's Dad Glow's Dad* What was that

Mystery Pokemon* Its to late I got the young ones and if you dare to hurt me I will hurt them

Baby Glow* Should we do it

Baby Light* I think so

Baby Glow and Light* 3 2 1 Now

Mystery Pokemon* Is there a breeze in here or is it just me

*Everyone Laughs*

Mystery Pokemon* What

Light's Dad* Well if you look down you would know *Laughs*

Mystery Pokemon* Whaaaaaaa you two did this didn't you

Baby Glow and Light* Yes we used psychic

Mystery Pokemon* Those were my best pair of pants I will be back with even better pants and you will want them so bad that you will come with me but for now fair well

The Parents* We will send them out so they will be save

Baby Glow* Hey Light are you up

Baby Light* Yea what is it

Baby Glow* I think this will be our last night together

Baby Light* How do you know

Baby Glow* I over heard our parents talking about it

--------the flash back ended--------

Glow* So I'm the Princess and Light is my prince *faints*

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