Just let me in

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"I really don't have to explain myself to you" she's sassed

"How long have you been lying to me?" I stood up in front of her

Even with me being respectively taller than her she stood her ground and just looking her in the eye scared me a bit.

"I haven't been lying I just didn't tell you" she shrugged

"That's lying"

"Look I didn't want to lie, they made me. They were afraid you'd freak out." She explained

"Who's they?" I questioned


"Coulson? I thought he was dead, how could he.." I trailed off

"You really thought fury would let his right hand man die" she smirked letting out a little laugh

I walked into the closet and put my hand on the scanner and the wall rotated letting me into the room behind it.

"You told me you were only working for shield for a few weeks" I looked around for the file

I spotted it peeking out on one of the top shelves but Kat must have noticed what I was up to and quickly stepped in front of me

"Well I decided to make it a long term deal"

"Clearly you decided that job was more important than our relationship, considering you've been lying to me for months" I reached over her and grabbed the file off the shelf

"The job was deputy director, Coulson wants me to help him rebuild shield from the ground up to make it as good as Peggy dreamed it to be" she admitted "and I didn't want you getting to close to that, I thought it would put you in hydras line of fire and I couldn't have that"

I looked down at the file and the name on the top read 'Katherine L.A.E Schuster'

"This is your file" I marveled at its thickness

"Well I wasn't going to let shield have everything on me would i?" She snatched it from me

"What more are you hiding from me!" I through my hands up in frustration "Why must you remain a mystery to me? Why do you refuse to let me know who you really are."

"My past is something I chose to forget, you should forget it to"

She walked out and stuffed all the files back into her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Back to work!" She snapped "at least I don't have to lie about where I'm going anymore"



I sat at my desk staring at my file, I picked up a disk incased in a plastic sleeve. Sheets of background checks and sneakily taken photos. Data analysis sheets, lists of talents and small achievements. Police reports and personality analysis, it was all here. Everything I was and everything that qualified me to be their own little science project.

"Couldn't stay away could you" Coulson joked from the doorway

"How could I when there's so much work to do" I closed my file

"Visiting the past I see"

"Not by my own accord" I sighed "Steve knows"

"About what?"

"About everything, everything but Bucky." I admitted

"Let's keep it that way"



"Thanks for getting coffee with me nat, it's just been a lot to process"

"You've got to remember that people like me and Kat have baggage, just be grateful Kat keeps hers in a suite case and not 50 pound box" she assured

"She refuses to let me know her, she may want to forget her past but I don't. I want to know what makes her the person she is, contrary to her belief I don't think she's a monster some one cooked up one day."

"Give her time she'll open up, eventually"

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