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The griever slowly crawled its way through the open doors, and everyone froze. The doors were supposed to be closed by now, but they weren't.
"Everybody to the homestead!" I heard Gally yell, and most everyone obeyed. I looked around for Newt, and Minho and Thomas weren't leaving my side. They told me that they would stay with me until I found him.
"Princess!" Newt exclaims, once I find him. He was still outside, along with a couple other of the Gladers. I reassure him that I'm okay, just a little scared.
"I know. You'll be okay princess. Go to the homestead. I'll be there in a minute." He says. I hesitate for a minute, but Newt repeats himself, more firmly than before. "Emery. I don't want you to get hurt. Go to the homestead." Newt has never used my real name, and he realized this. " I'm sorry princess. Please go to the homestead. I don't want you getting hurt." This time, I obey, and walk towards the homestead.
As promised, Newt comes soon after I get there. By then, almost every Glader is in the homestead. Most people usually sleep outside, so the tiny homestead was overcrowded with guys. Teresa was there too, but I couldn't find her.
"Sorry I was being rude out there, princess. I just really didn't want you getting hurt." Newt says, sitting down next to me. I was in the corner, staying away from everybody. I was scared by the Grievers, and Newt knew it. He wrapped his arms around me, trying to comfort me.
"Thank you." I say simply. I let Newt keep his arms around me; and he stayed that way. Thomas and Minho came over to talk to us (me, specifically) about the maze. We talked for a little bit, but then they left. The keepers distributed blankets and pillows, and soon the lights were out. Most people were silent, with the exception of a few quiet murmurs here and there. It was also hot. Everybody was in the same room, which didn't allow for much airflow. Every time I was almost asleep, the Grievers would make noise. I would flinch, and I was crying out of fear. I hate crying in front of people, but Newt heard me.
"Do you want to go up to our room, Em?" Newt asked, only half awake. "Noone would be in there." He adds. I nod my head, and he leads me up the stairs.
There were only a couple people on the second floor, so it was easier to walk around them. We enter our room, and it was a lot cooler in there. And emptier. Newt sits me down on the bed, right before the Grievers made noise again. I flinched, and Newt looked worried.
" It's okay princess. I'll protect you from the Grievers." He says. He wraps his arms around mine again, and rests his chin on my shoulder. We sit like that, silent, for a couple minutes before I start getting tired. "I love you, Em." He says quietly, kissing me on the cheek. "Goodnight."
Newt's POV:
I don't let go of Emery for a second. She was scared, and I was there to protect her. She wasn't going to get hurt if I was there. She's my princess, and I was going to stay with her, no matter what.

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