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-trigger warning?-
it's interesting
how the body
and mind can
react to something
produced by a plant.
i remember from
biology, about
anaerobic respiration
and how plants produce
alcohol and carbon dioxide
from it. humans, on the
other hand, produce lactic
acid. anaerobic respiration
occurs when there's not
enough oxygen.
and that's how i
felt just now.
my chest was tight –
every breath hurt.
my cheeks were still
stained with lingering
tears, and light danced
on my alcohol soaked
on my arms, cuts upon cuts.
how could i have fallen
prey to my sadness' hunger?
i thought i'd changed;
i thought i was better;
i thought all of this was over...
i thought wrong.
it had only just begun.
thoughts spiralled in my mind,
their speed increasing as i
tried to focus on them,
causing them to blur.
one stood out though.
the same thought that always
stood out.
a name.
his name.

dan howell.

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