Hazuki Nagisa x Reader: Space Camp.

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Look at this cutie! I feel like I will get the same problem with Nagisa as I did with Armin, them both being too innocent to even with. But I'll try! The fic will be about the pair being at space camp because goals and it may be short (I am so sorry if it is).
PS: L/C is Lip Colour - eg; Crimson, lilac, rose etc. (Lipstick counts too).
PPS: (S/T) - skin tone; light, tan, dark.
Nagisa had now passed his second year of high school, and during the summer break between the end of the previous year and the beginning of the last, he was able to get himself into a space camp in Tokyo.

It was a 4 week course, which gave him two weeks to prepare for his last year of school at Iwatobi. Nagisa's parents, sister and Rei dropped him off at the airport, and made sure he got through baggage drop off and to the departures before heading home.

Nagisa spotted a really cute girl in the corner of his departure lounge, her (H/C) hair was in pigtail, she had pretty (L/C) lips and big (E/C) eyes. Nagisa tried concentrating on the pamphlet that he was given, and noticed the girl had the same pamphlet. With a burst of courage, even though his was really far from shy, he went to go say hi.

The girl looked up as she saw a shadow appear. "Oh! Hello! Can I help you?" She asked politely, making Nagisa grin. He point to the seat to ask silent if he could sit next to her, and she agreed. "I see you're going to the space camp in Tokyo too!" She pointed to the blonde's pamphlet, his nodding enthusiastically.

"Yeah! I saw that you were and thought that I would come say hi!" He said chirpily, making the new girl smile. "Looks like we'll be spending a lot of time with one another then!" The (H/C) said, making Nagisa's smile broaden. "Yay! This will be fun!"

Not long after, their flight was called and they had to board. (Y/N) was up at the front of the plane, whilst Nagisa was nearer the rear, so they parted ways for the short-haul flight to Tokyo.

After over an hour of boredom, the plane landed at Tokyo's main airport and both Nagisa and the girl met on the Tarmac of the aircraft parking bay. "Nee, (Y/N)-chan, you never told me where you were staying!" Nagisa said, feeling slightly worried for the newest person in his life. "Oh, Nagisa-kun. You don't need to worry, my sister is at a university here so I'm with her!"

Nagisa's face lit up like a Christmas tree with elation. "I'm staying with someone I know here too! He's almost like my brother. But he's more of the team-captain-mum type." Nagisa laughed at his reference to Makoto, which made the (S/T) cheeks on (Y/N)'s face turn pink.

They were both staying at the University campus, Nagisa with Makoto and (Y/N) with her sister. They had a meal together so they could settle in before the first day of the camp.

-3 week time skip because it will be REALLY long otherwise-

In the 3 weeks Nagisa had known (Y/N), he had developed an emotional attachment to her, blushing whenever they hugged or worked together on a short project. They had also discovered they lived near each other and that (Y/N) was going to be a new student for her last year at Iwatobi High School, and in the same form as Nagisa – this made them both very happy.

Nagisa had raved about how wonderful swim club and his best friend, Rei, at the school. (Y/N) said she used to be part of her old school's swim team, and she agreed to join him and Rei, and a girl called Gou but liked being called Kou, and said she would like to be the first female member (which would make Kou and and Amakata-sensei very happy).

It was break time on the last day, which was given as a day off before everyone headed home to spend time with family and friends before the new school year started. The pair were sat in a corner, leaning on one another, taking turns to be a human cushion. Many people thought they were a couple, but they denied it constantly with blushes.

The pair were in rooms at the Uni campus which weren't far from one another, so they parted ways for about an hour so they could pack and go over what notes they had separately before spending the last bit of the free day with one another, although they would be on the same flight, from the same place, at the same time.

(Y/N)'s sister, Makoto and the other two decided they would go out for a 'goodbye' meal, which made them all slightly upset, especially Makoto because he missed Nagisa calling him 'Mako-chan'. At the table, the pair decided to order dessert – a bowl of whipped chocolate ice-cream with all the fixings. (Y/N) accidentally got some on her cheek and she couldn't see. "Oi, (Y/N)-chan. Look at me for a sec." Nagisa commanded as he gently turned her head towards him, making the girl become slightly flustered. The blonde male then wiped her cheek clean and beamed brighter than the sun. "All clean!"

-Timeskip to the arrival back at Iwatobi, brought to you by a lazy writer at 00:09 GMT and Nagisa's cute curly hairs-

The pair were back at Iwatobi a short while later, after spending most of the flight asleep on the other's shoulder and head. They had exchanged numbers and Nagisa felt a rush of newly found confidence.

"Nee, (Y/N)-chan! I just want you to know I really like you... And I wanna take you on a date." The colour on the (H/C)'s cheeks was strawberry red as her (E/C) orbs gleaned with glee. "Of course you can, Nagisa-kun! I was actually hoping you would..." She mumbled the last part shyly, but Nagisa still heard it.

"Yay! I'll text you when I have a free day!" He said before quickly pecking the girl's lips and walking off to meet his family. And lest we forget, a bucketload of teasing.

"You know... I'm not one for blondes but I'm wrapped round his finger already." She mumbled happily before meeting her parents.

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