Untitled Part 33

17 2 2

Cassidys POV

Aunt Ally and I were at the table. Eating spaghetti.

"Cassidy." She put her fork down.

"Yes Ally, this is good. I mean, its not like you burned the house down." I laughed.

"Cassidy. Listen, I am being serious. Listen." She did look serious. "There is some weird stuff going on here. Explain."

"Well. I have no idea what to say." I said. I really didn't.

"Your birthday is coming up. And seventeen is a big number. What do you want for your birthday?"

Oh. Thats what she wants to talk about. "Um. Can I ask for some tickets to Warped Tour? Or is that still a NO?" I have asked before and she said no.

"I will think about it. What else do you want?"

We at there, thinking of things I could and couldn't get for my birthday.

"Yawn. I am tired." Ally stood up and rinsed her bowl out in the sink. I did the same.

"Good night sweetie." She placed a kiss on my forehead and went to her bed. She shut her door and locked it. I shake my head and trek up the stairs.

I go to my bathroom to take a shower, when I see the bra that Dylan was trying to put on. "What the-" I reach over and pick it up. I throw it in the laundry basket.

"Oh yeah." I am excited now. I took pictures and a video of Dylan in my bra. That can't be fake.

I reach for my phone and open pictures. Just when I think I see it, my phone dies.

"WHAT? It was AT a HUNDRED percent two seconds AGO!!!" I grab my charger and plug my phone it. I sit on the edge of my bed about to doze off, when Jackson's words ring in my ears.

"Oh and WHATEVER you do, don't go to sleep."

I grab my phone, (Its working now) and type in the number that Jackson wrote on my hand.

"Hello?" It was him.

"Its me. Cassidy." I say.

"Okay. Is your aunt gone or is she there? Cause I need to come over."

He sounded really tired.

"Yeah. She went to bed a while ago. Yeah. Want me to let you in downstairs or what?" I mean, how else was he going to get in?

"I am already there sweetheart."

His phone clicks in my ear. I run to the window and sure enough he is there, hanging like a monkey, off of the tree. He motions for me to open the window, I do.

"Cass. Stand back." I do.

He hurled himself through my open window and lands with a soft thud. It could have been a cat jumping down from my bed or something. But not a grown football player.

He plops himself on my bed and I sit on my beanbag chair. Next to the window.

"Talk." Is the only word I say.

"Okay. I told you not to go to sleep, because what you think was a dream, is real. As soon as one of you guys fall asleep, you all do. That is why you woke up in a classroom. Because Dylan woke you all up. Your brains are mutated somehow, together."

"Wait. Who is 'Who guys'?"

"You, Dylan and Eric."

"Okay. Where do you fit in this category?"

"Um. I fit in because your father wants us to end up together. Something about us, making the worlds next great generation."

"WAIT What?" I yelled.

"SHUSH. You might wake up your aunt. And I have NO IDEA okay?" He ran both his hands through his hair, then suddenly he was in front of the beanbag chair, holding my hands. "I just know, that I feel something for you. And we all know you feel something for me."

I pushed him away and stood up. "I don't know. I don't know." I put my hands on my face and sighed. He was in front of me and he grabbed my hands. He leaned down and placed his lips softly on mine. Despite everything, I kissed him harder. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed against him. He threw me on the bed, so forcefully it knocked the bed against the wall. He came down on top of me, and placed hard kisses on my lips, so hard that I was knocked out of breath.

Suddenly, my vision tunneled. "Jackson. I cannot see anything."


"Eric or Dylan fell asleep." Then the world went black.

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