Chapter 13

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Deep into the cave where Ty and Amber are, Ty tinkers on one of the robots.

"Are you almost done with it?" She asks.

"Yes! Just wait!" He exclaims.

"I don't know what's going on! You said we were going to get another mutant like us to help out!" She exclaims.

"We are! It just needs to be the perfect one!" He exclaims.

"Well make up your mind faster so we can finish the plan," she says, "We have killed to of them already and don't even know!"

"Once we get that mutant, we can destroy everyone and take over be country," he says angrily fixing the robot.

"Well my hypnotism isn't getting any younger!" She exclaims.

"Calm yourself," he says.

"So how do you know when you have the perfect mutant to help?" She asks.

"I won't know but you will know," he says smiling.

Back at the mansion Hannah goes back down to the jail where Will, Nicki, Mike, and Lexi are.

"What happened?" Asks Will.

"There was another murder," she says siting across from Will in the cell, "He was hung from the ceiling in one of the rooms."

"Ty and Amber," says Will.

"I think it's them too," she says.

"We have to do something about it," he says.

"We are," she says.

"No we aren't," he says.

"The professor asked some of us to watch the mansion from the outside to make sure no one comes in," she says.

"He didn't ask me," Will says.

"Because you're stuck in here for being an idiot," she says.

"Fair enough," he says.

"So we can't help either," Mike says out of no where.

They look at Mike in the cell across from them.

"Nope," she says.

"Uh I can't take this cell anymore!" Exclaims Nicki.

She summons a few skeletons and they start hitting the bars. Soon after a few tries it breaks and she walks out.

"Nicki you're not suppose to......"

"I'm not staying in that cell any longer," she says, "I'm hungry, gonna go get some food she says walking upstairs. The skeletons stay with the rest of them watching the cells.

"I have to go," says Hannah.

"Okay bye," says Will kissing Hannah on the cheek.

She teleports out of the room leaving Will, Mike, and Lexi.

She appears up stairs in the main room. Janet and Kyle walk up to her.

"We have to go to the professors office," says Janet.

"Okay," says Hannah as they all walk over to the professors office. They walk in there and Jace, Anne, and the professor are in there.

"You guys need to guard the mansion for the night," say the professor, "I don't want anymore murders going on without me knowing."

"Yes sir," says Anne.

"You're in charge Anne," says the professor walking out.

"I'll watch the back of the mansion with Frank and you four take the front," Anne says.

"Sounds good," says Kyle.

Anne walks out of the room.

"Will you be okay?" Asks Kyle grabbing Janet's hand.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," she says kissing him. The doors slam open. Nicki stands there and walks in.

"You're suppose to be with the others downstairs," says Kyle.

"I couldn't stand another second down there," she says, "So I thought why not just help you guys out with your little mission," she says hugging Jace.

Hannah folds her arm and rolls her eyes.

"Just don't get caught," says Jace.

"Don't worry I won't," she says.

"Well let's go outside and watch the mansion all night," says Janet.

"Fun," says Nicki sarcastically as they walk out.

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