Real Dinosaur

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*Owen's POV

I felt the tears sting my eyes as I stood there. Her head turning towards us. "Ava!" I shouted. Blood trickled from her mouth as she looked at me. I then see Blue comong close to her. "I need to go help her." I said about to run. "No Owen!" Claire said. I turned to her then back to Ava. When I did I saw bLue bleed on her. We all watched as Ava slowly stood. Then like a wolfman on a full moon began changing. Her bones broke and her skin turned reptile. Then she fell into darkness. With a loud roar we watched as the Indominous pinned the T-Rex. It almost over and we were doomed. Then as we were about to watch her die a familiar call rang out. We turned to see what seemed like Blue running. But it wasn't Blue, it was Ava. She screeched and the with teeth exposed jumped on the Indominous face. She used her claws to scratch and tear. She bit the Indominous and run up it's back. The T-rex stood biting the Indominous neck before slamming her head into a building. Sharp broken poles stabbed the Indominous. She roared in pain and Ava screeched biting and tearing as much as she could. We all ran through the shops watching it unfold. The Indominous through Avan off and she hit the ground bursting into the gift shop in front of us. She shook it off then jumped back into the fight. They pushed the Indominous towards the edge of the water. Then she roared one good time before our friendly fish Dino popped from the water. She grabbed the Indominous around the neck giving her a decent bite. She slowly dragged the Indominous down under to the deep water to finally meet her demise. We all breathed heavily and stared in shock. Then watching we saw the T-rex turn to Ava. Ava backed away slowly looking at the T-rex. Almost as if the creature nodded it did then turned away hobbling off. 

I then frowned and had a sad expression. Ava turned to see me and she walked closer. "Ava...?" I whispered. She came close and nodded. I frowned then reached up touching her nose. She then turned her head to the side blinking at me then looked down at her body. She didn't know how to change back and I don't think she could. I looked down and shook my head "I'm so sorry." Ava had a sad look in her eyes but backed away. She then began trotting off towards the forest. Looking back she gave one last call looking at all of us. Then she disappeared into the forest. 


As I sat in the room with hundred's of people I kept my eyes to the floor. Ava was gone but she saved us. She gave up here human life for us. Sitting there I heard someone call out "Zack Gray!" I looked to see a man and woman run to the kids. They cried and hugged them showering their children with kisses. The woman then ran to Claire hugging her and they both cried. Slightly I smiled at their happiness. I stood them walked to the glass window. Boats were coming in for everyone now. Someone then came up next to me. It was Claire. She gave me a sad smile then handed something to me. I looked to see it was a brown hat. "When your a scientist and rescue a girl with no memory it's pretty interesting what you find out." she said. I furrowed my eyebrows "What do you mean?" Claire smiled "I know who Ava is....who she was. Dr. Grant was the best scientist on Dinosaur's ever. He came to the first Jurassic Park. He was Ava's father." My eyes widened and I looked at the hat. "She'll never know." I breathed.  Claire rubbed my arm then stepped away. I sighed then opened the door stepping out on the balcony. Dinosaur's took over the island but we were all safe inside. The sun was rising and it was beautiful. I looked down at the hat and thought of Ava. A single tear fell down my cheek at the thought of her being alone.  "I thought big touch Navy men didn't cry?" came a voice. My eyes widened and I slowly turned around. I smiled widely when I saw Ava, the real one standing there. "Ava..." I whispered. She laughed and nodded tears going down her face I ran to her and picked her up in my arms. She buried her face in my shoulder. We held each other tightly for what seemed forever. I then set her down "But how?" I asked. She shrugged "Guess mother nature does straiten things out." I smirked and rubbed her cheek. "So are you still-" before I could finish she cut me off. "No, I'm just normal again. The way I should be....and I now know who I am. I'm Ava Grant."

I smiled then took the brown hat placing it on her head. She giggled and tilted it back. I lifted her chin and she stared at me "What now?" she asked. I smirked "Better stick together....for survival." I said with a wink. She smiled and blushed. "I love you Ava." i whispered. She smiled "I love you." Slowly I leaned down softly pressing my lips to her's. We kissed slowly but passionately.  We then heard giant thuds in the distance looking up we saw the T-rex a good distance away marching onto the stone building over Jurassic World. I wrapped Ava in my arms and rested my head on top her's. Both of us smiled as we watched the T-tex lifting her head and letting out a roar claiming victory for the true dinosaur's of Jurassic World.

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