Patience is a Virtue (Two)

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Fifteen minutes later, they were pulling up to a small cabin surrounded by the tallest trees Desiree had ever seen. It seemed to be the only cabin around, and Desiree had to admit that from outside appearance it was a lovely little cabin. Four steps led up to a porch, which was decorated with a spacious swing and two rocking chairs.

Desiree turned her head toward her kidnapper who now occupied the passenger seat. "Where are we?"

"In the woods."

Desiree mentally counted to ten. Aye! This woman could be aggravating! "Could you be a little more specific?"

"Yes, I suppose that I could," the woman replied, getting out of the car and coming around to the drivers' side. She opened the door and told Desiree to hand her the keys and get out of the car. The young woman complied on both without one word.

It was then that Desiree noticed that the other woman was much taller than herself. While Desiree barely reached the three inch mark passed five feet, she guessed that her abductor had to be a mere inch or two away from six feet. How she managed to fit that long frame onto the front floor, Desiree may never know.

It also did not get past the brunette that this woman had a killer figure. Although it was dark, and the woman was dressed in all black, Desiree could tell that she kept her body fit. Although noticing the obvious appraisal, her kidnapper surprisingly chose not to comment. She might make her blush again, yet that might not be such a terrible thing. She thought that Desiree looked even prettier when she blushed or when she was pissed off.

Gently grasping her upper arm, she led Desiree into the cabin, making a quick right into the kitchen, where the pair stopped in front of a black refrigerator. A pair of handcuffs removed from her back pocket, she cuffed her captive's right wrist to the handle on the refrigerator door.

"What are you doing?" Desiree inquired in a surprised tone. Never in her young life had she been handcuffed. Sure, Alec had attempted to do it once, but she quickly set him straight that she wasn't into that sort of thing. She found the metal cold and a bit too snug around her wrist.

"What does it look like? I'm handcuffing you to the refrigerator, 'cause I have to go do something." Chucking Desiree under the chin, she earned herself a glare and chuckled in response before exclaiming that she would be back in her best Terminator voice. While she briskly walked away, Desiree looked after her, wondering after all did this woman have a screw loose.

Once she exited the front door, Desiree examined all that she could from her position, quickly realizing her view wasn't too shabby. The kitchen was small, but seemed to have everything that it needed, including a toaster oven, dishwasher, microwave and electric stove -- all shiny and black. Eyeing the stove, Desiree longed to test it out. Having enjoyed it since her teenage years, she knew her way around a stove.

The countertop was white marble, and the floor was checkered with black and white squares. Desiree noticed that even the sink was painted black. The wooden cupboards and drawers were white and there was a little window situated over the kitchen sink. Desiree could see the car from where she stood and could tell that her possibly crazy kidnapper was inside, yet she didn't have a clue what the woman was doing. She turned her attention to the refrigerator and opened the door to discover with much joy and surprise, that it was loaded with food. She then opened the freezer to find that it too was well stocked. The nut must have been planning this.

Brown eyes shifted toward the living room. There was one black leather couch that was in the shape of an L. In front of it was a cherry wood coffee table, which contained spotless glass squares on top. Behind that was a fireplace situated against the wall, with wood already inside of it to burn. Desiree noticed that the carpet was stark white, and wondered anew if this woman was out of her mind. People who dared to have stark white carpeting were just begging for carpet cleaners to visit their homes on a regular basis. Either that or they made it a rule to check the shoes and feet of everyone who entered. Desiree would be a nervous wreck with white carpet.

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