Chapter 24

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I made it long and action-packed. Please enjoy this chapter. You are all sweethearts.
Missie! Calm down!"
"What's the matter with her?"
"Funny how this is happening now, what with the sky dissapearing."
"Someone get a glass of water."
Missie couldn't believe the pain she was feeling.
"Missie, love, you need to calm down. I want to know how to help you, but you need to tell me what the problem is!" Newt.
Missie didn't know how to tell him, so instead she clutched his arms tightly, steeling herself, gritting her teeth, her screams turning to frustrated groans and screeching through her teeth. She didn't understand why this was happening, she just wanted it to stop.
"Missie, talk to me, love."
"My...head, Newt my breaking...apart" Artemis managed to breathe.
"Love your head is fine."
Another wrack of pain rattled her skull and she screamed. What was worse than feeling the pain, was not knowing when it would end. Finally it became too much and black spots obscured her vision.

When she woke again she was met by a dull gray light. She sat up quickly giving herself a headrush. She wasn't imagining it, the sky was gone. Replaced with a gray slab.
"Finally, you're up." Chuck handed her a glass of water.
"What's going on?" She tried to ask, but her throat was so raw that only a faint croak came out she drank the whole glass of water and then tried again, her voice was scratchy and barely there.
"The sky just...disappeared." Chuck said, stating the obvious.
"Where's Thomas?"
"In the maze, with Minho. He didn't want to leave you, but Minho thought it would do all of us good to explore. Figured we didn't have much longer in here, what with the sun gone."
Missie got up off the ground and checked her watch. It was late afternoon. Suddenly there was a commotion at the homestead, Missie and Chuck ran over to see what was going on.
Newt was in the front of the crowd gathered outside the door, a grimace on his face. "She's bloody locked herself in!" He exclaimed. "Who?" Missie asked. For a moment he looked startled to see her, then he said "The girl. She's stuck in the Homestead."
"There's a lock?" Missie asked, shocked. Newt shook his head. "She's barricaded the door or something."
"How did she get in there alone?"
Newt shrugged, "Beats me."
Missie inched towards the door, she knocked, "Hello?"
She heard a ruffle. "Hello? I know you're creeped out. But nobody's going to hurt you. I'm a girl too... I know my voice is a bit rough right now, my throat is raw." Missie kept talking, reassuring. She didn't even know if the girl was listening. "My name is Artemis, what's yours?" There was no reply. "It's alright if you don't want to tell me. Or if you don't remember. I didn't remember my name at first either. But most of the boys remember their names immediately. Maybe its a girl thing?" Still no reply. "It's a weird name, don't you think? Artemis? But we're all stocked up on weird names here. You don't remember anything, right? Its alright though, none of us do. We were all just-"
She was cut off by the sound of something heavy dragging across the ground. The door opened slowly.
" Artemis?" She whispered. Here eyes were a dark brown and curious her skin was pale. Missie held out her hand, "Let's go for a walk?"
The girl took her hand and Missie led her to the deadheads.
"Teresa." She said.
"Great to meet you Teresa..."
"You really think it's the first time?" Teresa asked. Missie chuckled, "No. I know you. Okay, nice to see you Teresa... I guess."
"This is so..."
"Weird?" Missie asked, "What part exactly, the memory loss? All the strange boys? Or just the plain absurdity of he situation?"
Teresa shrugged, "All if it?"
Artemis stopped and leaned against a tree, "Weird has become the perfect description of my life."
"I'm a pain for asking, but do you remember anything?"
Teresa shook her head, "Only that I triggered something... And you...and him..."
"By him you mean Thomas?"
Teresa nodded then held out her arm, "I wrote this."
Artemis examined the messy scrawl: Wicked is good.
"Maybe Thomas will have something useful to say. I'll go and wait to bring him here, are you okay staying here?"
Teresa nodded. Artemis patted her shoulder and headed towards the main glade. She never got there.
She was slammed hard against a boulder a hand clamped around her neck. "I'm going to fix it." Gally. Her shock at seeing him almost surpassed the panic of her impending death. She thought about how funny it was, that she was in this position again, she would've laughed. If she could breathe. She pulled at Gally's hand, trying to loosen the grip. He pressed harder squeezing her breathing pipe, she kicked around and her leg finally hit his crotch. His hand faltered and she pushed at him with all her might, letting out a frustrated scream. As soon as he was off her she got up to run but her pulled at her leg making her fall again, he flipped her over and held her down. There was a flash of silver, a knife. He brought it to her throat. Suddenly a body collided with Gally, forcing him off of Artemis. Teresa! "Gally pushed Teresa towards a tree and she crashed into it with a scream. He immediately rushed back to Missie, lifting his knife hand. Before she could run he grabbed her arm, "Teresa go and get-" Gally forced her down all the while muttering, "I'm going to fix it"
His pupils were dilated and his eyes held a crazed look. Artemis punched and pushed at him, getting free and running towards the Glade, only to be tackled from behind.
"Gally!" She had never been so glad to hear Newt's voice.
Gally held the knife to her throat.
"Gally, drop the knife." Minho, when had he gotten back?
"Gally, man, this is crazy, dude. Drop it."
Gladers were appearing, all of them looking shocked.
"It's all her fault. She's going to have us done. She's going to doom us. But i'll fix it. I'm going to fix it."
"Gally, killing her won't fix anything." Alby said.
"Gally, this isn't who we are. You know the rules. Harming her won't do jack." Newt said.
"You're one to talk about rules. All righteous stand-in leader. Second in command. You've been disobeying an order all along." Gally snarled, looking, for all the world, like a rabid animal.
"Gally what in the world are you on about, mate? You realize how bloody crazy you sound? Drop the knife." Newt said,
"Crazy? You know what I'm talking about? Or will your girlfriend tell us all the truth."
If Newt was shocked, he hid it well?
"Girlfriend." He asked.
"You think I didn't see the both of you?"
There was a gasp and then an arrow connected with Gally's arm. The movement causing him to stab into Missies arm. He stumbled back and Missie pulled the knife out, gritting her teeth. Newt was at her side.
"Missie, I leave you alone for a minute and-"
"I know. I'm sorry."
She hugged him.
Gally began to sprint to the direction of a nearby door. Some boys made to follow him but Alby stopped them. "He'll never survive out there."
"Let's get you to the mad-jacks" Newt said.
"I am a med-jack." Missie giggled. A little light headed.
"No," said Newt, "you're my brave little Hunter."

Artemis was wrapping her arm in a bandage, after a couple of stitches, Newt watching her with a odd look on his face.
"Guess its not much of a secret any more, huh?" She was saying. "It doesn't matter." Newt told her. "You could have died today, Missie."
"Newt, I could die everyday. But I don't. I'm pretty lucky." He looked like he was going to scold her for her nonchalance but before he could the door burst open. It was Chuck. "Guys, the doors aren't closing." He said, "the Grievers are coming."
Artemis couldn't be sure. But she was certain she heard the jagged ice voice in her head saying, For you...
She shook her head. Couldn't possibly be.

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