Preference #95: (Josh.) You Give Him The Silent Treatment.

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 Josh: "Next time, be careful when you get close to a girl - remember the cameras." You spit at Josh as you swing back the door and step out into the icy rain. "I haven't cheated on you." He cries, his anger from your accusation clear within his facial expression. "Oh, so now you decide to tell me, you've been defending little miss fucking perfect for the past hour!" You tell, reaching the garden gate and walking away. "(YN) wait." He calls after you but you don't have any strength to take any notice. Instead you continue to walk away, wanting to get as far away from Josh as possible. That blond haired, blue eyed, model material girl kept running through your head. The boy you'd dedicated your past three years to had actually had the courage to beat you up this way, how low could he possibly swoop? Soon, you reach the park where you'd first met Josh Cuthbert, he was doting on his younger sister whilst you were stuck caring for your niece. The blue eyes boy hadn't been able to leave your heart ever since. You needed you stuff and then you'd go and stay with your mum to clear your head, well that was the intial plan until you reached the apartment you shared with Josh. Pulling out a bag, you begin to load it with your good. Taking your phone out of your pocket, you realise the 17 missed calls and many texts but these weren't going to make anything any better. Not now anyway. Feeling his hand lock around your wrist, you spin around to meet his chest due to him standing so close. "I'm not letting go until you listen to me." Using your silence as your weapon, you free your hand from his grip and stall into the bathroom. "(YN)". "Speak." You order out of pure spite. "Being surrounding by so many boys, it's difficult-" "That says enough." You hiss as your eyes begin to well with unshed tears. "She's part of management and she helped me chose this for you." He launches the small pink box at you, letting it hit your arm. "And look." He holds his phone out for you to read the message. "Did your girlfriend like her gift, have you asked her yet." You read aloud. "Good luck...Jesy...wait, what?" You gasp, bending down to retrieve the box. "I want you to marry me, why the hell would I want to cheat on you?" He snaps. "Josh, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say..." Mounds of guilt his you chest hard. "Don't say sorry, just say yes." He smirks and you leap into his open arms. "Yes, yes and yes." You beam while he interrupts your answer with a breathtakingly subtle kiss.

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