Chapter 20

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Emilia Clarke is 'playing' Sam! (Above) If you're picturing someone else as Sam that's perfectly fine <3 sorry I didn't mention this before, but I couldn't think of anyone until a helpful reader suggested her! Shoutout to KissableMooses  for the help :)


"We need to talk." I told Rick after walking into his house and into his room.

"About what?" He asked, turning around.

I mentally cussed, finding that he only had a towel around his waist and water was dripping from his hair.

"I have a problem with you." I stated, trying to control my hormones.

"Why?" He inquired, acting innocent.

"Y-you see--"

"Why are you stuttering?" He asked, smirking.

"Put a damn shirt on and I'll be able to talk." I snapped.

"There all in the washer," He replied, cracking a smile.

"Okay, so I'm tired of keeping this in so I'm just going to say it." I stated.

"Okay." He replied.

"I don't care if you don't like me back or shit, but I need to get this out," I began, "I like you, like a lot. I'm tired of feeling all weird around you because I'm keeping this in. Wow, this feels great," I stated.

I looked to him to find a blank stare on his face, and I continued rambling.

"But like I said, don't feel obligated to like me back. I don't want to ruin our friendship because of what I just said." I continued.

I looked at him again and decided to just leave.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." I added, leaving his house.

I sighed, walking down the street to find something to do.

"There you are!" Deanna chirped, walking up to me.

"Since we all have jobs here, I found you a job. That is, if you want it." She stated.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You're great at fighting, shooting, and you're just skilled with those types of things. You know how to survive out there," she began. "So do you think you could help us out by showing us how to do those things? The most important one is teaching us how to survive." She replied.

"They're all important, but yeah. I'd love to." I replied.

"Great! I've scheduled a class every Wednesday morning at ten o'clock sharp for those that want to learn. Is that all right?" She asked.

"It's perfect." I replied.

"Thank you!" She replied.

I walked towards the gates, curious in all of the commotion.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" I asked, Tara knocked out cold.

"The place blew up. Aiden's gone, Noah's gone." Glenn replied, a depressed look on his face.


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