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I sucked in my breath.

Her face was round. And she had oddly colored freckles splattered across her slightly chubby cheeks.

Her hair was black, but it wasn't a beautiful shade. It had this gray tint in it, causing it to be a strange color all on its own.

Her eyes were dark, nearly too dark. If you looked close enough, you could tell they were a plain brown. Some brown eyes appear dreamy, and others look sophisticated. Hers were just brown.

"What? Have you never heard of a person with allergies before?"

I realized I had been staring at her for the last few minutes.

"What teenage girl doesn't like flowers?"

My voice came out a little too high and a little too loud.

This wasn't like me; I was never interested in many conversations, especially one with a person I didn't even know.

"First of all, I never said I didn't like them. I said I was allergic to them." Her voice was now a strange sound. It seemed nearly pleasant, and yet it was unfitting to her peculiar looks.

"And second of all," she carried the words as if they were the most known facts in the world.

"I think flowers are cliché and overrated."

Shocked would not be the correct word to describe my feelings.

"Okay, well sorry I got you a gift of flowers-" I glanced at the basket's contents. "And cliché candles, fruit, and other cheesy things."

I backed away from her.

"Next time let me know that you're the kind of person that rejects flowers and slams the door in people's faces before I go and spend my money on a welcome basket."

I spun around and made my way down her steps.

"Oh, um wait a second." Her voice was so soft.

Normally, I wouldn't have stopped, but she just seemed so unusual to me and I was merely curious.

I slowly turned around and watched as she pulled her sleeve down until it completely covered her hand.

I didn't even notice she was wearing long sleeves. It seemed weird considering it was so hot outside.

She then carefully picked up a flower from the bouquet my mother had arranged and walked over to me.

"I'm sorry." Again, I sensed the genuineness, even though I didn't want to.

I wanted her to be mean so I could have a reason to hate the ugly girl.

"I should've just said thank you."

She held the flower out in front of her, containing the space between both of our bodies.

"You see, it's just that sometimes I have this tendency to ramble on about myself and whatever thoughts I'm thinking of at that moment, and I don't really consider the people around me. Okay, so maybe not sometimes. Maybe it's more like-"

I cut her off.

"Are you giving me a flower?"

"Uh, yeah. What's wrong with that?"

Her plain brown eyes widened.

"Well, usually guys give girls flowers."

She rolled her eyes. And it wasn't the normal type of flirty eye rolling I was used to. It was a real eye roll.

"Well, we already tried that and you saw how that turned out." She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows as if she had known me for years.

"Besides, who wants to be usual? That's so boring."

Something about her seeming so comfortable around me was unsettling.

People should have to fight for the right to be at ease around me.

I huffed. "Some people like to be normal."

I found myself staring at my shoes.

"What's your name, anyway?"

She seemed surprised that I had even cared to ask.

In all honesty, I was surprised I had asked.

"Nora." A small smile grew on her lips.

I noticed how it seemed too wide for her face and how it pointed too much attention to her large nose.

"Nora Nightingale." She held out the flower farther. "And I did offer you a gift, remember?"

Yet again, I was taken back a little. How could she call something as simple as a single flower a gift?

Nonetheless, I snatched it from her, offering only a quick smile back. Although, I'm sure my face was filled with annoyance.

Turning around, I was determined to flee from the ugly girl that talked too much.

"You didn't tell me your name!"

I stopped again.

She really didn't know when to end a conversation.

"I'm Cole."

For some reason, I couldn't make myself face her. She was strange and ugly and yet, there was something about her that forced me to stop and think.

"Bye Cole."

I pretended like I couldn't hear her and continued to walk again.

I also told myself that the small smile that had crept up on my face was because I was just excited to finally be getting out of the sun.

But I knew it was a lie.

"Bye Nora." It was a quiet whisper that only I could hear and a deep wish that she wouldn't be in my life anymore.

She was too ugly for me.

yeah, I think that last line is a little harsh too. *shrugs and sighs*

also, I will be doing dedications like the ones shown earlier for nearly every chapter. It's like my thank you to those of you that are supportive. It's for those of you (special people) that comment and vote continuously and shed your love upon the wattpad world.
so yeah, maybe you'll end up getting a dedication too *wink wink*

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