ninety one.

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"I want to talk about a few things" I state, cracking my knuckles, eyes aimed at Edward. He stares back at me defiantly, his face an echo of mine. He says nothing. 

"What do you think you're doing with your empty threats, you have no idea where Molly is" I say, an edge to my voice. Eddie picks up on it, cracking a smile. 

"Well?" I ask.

"That's the thing Harry, I do" He chuckles. 

"Where?" I mumble. 

"Get my phone" Edward gestures to his pocket. I pull it out quickly. 

"Passcode" I demand. 

"0897" He says. I pause. 

"Flora's Birthday" Edward smirks. 

"You're fucking psycotic" I hiss, tapping it in quickly. Kicking the leg of his chair so hard he tips onto the floor with a hard clatter,his head hitting the floor because of his restricted hands. 

"What now?" I ask through gritted teeth. 

"Call Molly" Edward prompts. I scroll through his contacts, pausing with my thumb above it. My eyes look over his face, searching for any sign of trickery. I press the button, placing the phone to my ear as the dialling tone rings through. I assume she isn't going to answer when there's a telltale crackle at the other end of the phone. 

"Hello? Edward? You know I said don't call unless It's a good time" She says. I pause swallowing.. it's been 6 years since we've spoken. 

"Edward.." She repeats, confusion merging into her voice. 

"Molly... it's Harry" I gulp, fighting to keep my voice stern. She doesn't say anything. 

"Harry what the hell.." She whispers. I haven't spoken to her since I found out it was Edward who got her pregnant. 

"You shouldn't be calling, It's dangerous" She says, her voice strained.

"Edward told me he was in contact with you" I say. Teeth gritted. 

"We don't talk much" She says quietly. I have an image of her telling me she cheated on me, the same quiet voice, maybe a bit less mature. I can't help but wonder what she looks like now, I know how much I've changed in 6 years. 

"Right. Whatever, you're right. We shouldn't be calling. Bye Molly" I say, spooked at the thought of what my dad has tried so hard to protect me from. 

"Harry wait!" Molly says. 

"What?" I ask. Edward scuffs helplessly on the floor. 

"I want to see you" She says. I hang up, looking towards Edward. 

I go to Edwards chair, heaving it back up easily so he's upright, dust and a black smear of I'm not even sure what covers his cheek. His hair a mess. 

"You believe me now?" He smirks. I ball my fists a little, wanting to knock the smirk off of is face. Instead I nod. 

"Why are you still in contact with her? What is going on with you.." I ask instead. 

"Oh Harry" He smirks again. I wonder how he can be so audacious in such a vulnerable position, maybe because he's downright crazy. I wait for him to continue..

"You know she didn't actually abort the child don't you, I like to know how my son is doing" He says, almost patronizingly. I grit my teeth. 

"So you have a son?" I state, a little in disbelief. 

"Yeah. He's 6" Edward says sarkily. 

"Poor kid, I feel sorry for him, father figure like you" I scoff, for the first time anger flashes through him. Edward says nothing. 

"What's his name?" I ask instead. 

"Finn" Edward says, and for a second he looks vulnerable.

"So why are you trying to do this? Im sure your little boy would love to know his daddy got his uncle murdered by grandad" I laugh at how fucked up it all is. Edward doesn't look at me. 

"Because I hate you. You've got the business, you've got dad up your ass, and now you've got a girlfriend. You know what I've got some news for you Harry, the twins aren't fucking yours" He hisses. I smile inwardly. Having had enough, he looks back, having not had the reaction he expected. I know the truth. 

I drop his phone to the ground, digging the heel of my boot into the smooth LED screen. It promptly cracks and flashes to darkness, glass smattering around my foot with a painful noise. I kick the carcass to the wall and look at my brother. 

"Goodnight Edward" I say, turning around, turning the light off as I slam the door and lock it.

"What do we do with him?" Paddy asks. 

"Leave him to rot I don't give a fuck" I say, walking through the dark unit and back out onto the peacefully silent industrial estate. 


It's quarter to 2 when I finally hear the door shut quietly downstairs. Amber left a few hours ago, and since I haven't been able to settle, having heard nothing from Harry and generally uncomfortable. I hear him pad up the stairs before opening the door slowly, the room dark but the light from the hallway pools in. 

Harry enters the room, creeping in slowly assuming I'm asleep. 

"Haz" I say quietly, sitting up. 

"Fuck, baby did I wake you?" He mumbles, looking over as he unbuttons his jeans. 

"No, it's okay... I'm just hot and the twins are awake and I can't settle" I say, feeling a little sorry for myself. Harry tugs his jeans off, unbuttoning his shirt too and draping them over the chair before coming forward. 

"C'mere" He says, climbing into bed and pulling me into his arms, my head tucked up against his chest. 

"Where did you go after the meeting?" I ask,  letting myself relax into him. 

"Just a few drinks" He says, running a hand up and down my back beneath my t-shirt. 

"Mm you are hot, that's not like you" He mumbles, instead placing the back of his knuckles to my cheek. 

"Do you want an ice pack?" He says softly. Pressing his cool  hands over my stomach now, he goes to get up. 

"Honestly it's okay" I protest. 

"No arguing, ice water too" He says. 

He returns a few minutes later, I'm sprawled out on my back, covers off, letting the air get to wherever it can. 

"Here" He says, passing me the ice pack and the water as he climbs in next to me. I smile at him, although he can't see it in the dark, scooting over to fit him in. I take a grateful sip. 

"I hope you aren't getting a fever" He says softly, running his fingers softly up and down my arm, his breath washing over my cheek as we settle down to sleep. I kick the covers away, switching positions yet again with a huff. As Harry drapes his leg and arm over me, I don't have the heart to fidget again and disturb him. 

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