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alrighty! here's the details and whatnot.

1) every other chapter is a flashback, continuing on sequentially from the prologue to the end. these "flashbacks" tell the story of dan's entire past of age five and up, and I really do not recommend skipping them. If you do, pieces and details essential to the plotline may be confusing. I suppose that if you don't like switching back and forth, you could always just read all the flashbacks first and then start with the real story, or maybe vice versa.

2) during present chapters, meaning non flashbacks, it will be in dan's point of view. flashbacks will be in third person, but still focused mainly on dan.

3) there's gonna be some self harm, abuse, depression, mild language, the obvious boyxboy, and other scenes or references that may be triggering to you. If you think you may need further specifics, feel free to message me and I'll make a list of exactly what I have planned and written. read at your own risk and will. stay safe.

4) I will try to update as frequently as I possibly can, but I am not promising any kind of schedule. the absolute latest I may update is probably three weeks. for now, I'll say an update every week.

5) due to my unfortunately limited collection of knowledge on the british livelihood, I'm going to keep a lot of the content in here american. this includes schooling systems and certain words or spelling, so I'm going to say sorry in advance for the cultural mixing.

6) In no way, shape, or form do I own dan and phil. I am also not claiming that they are actually a couple or together. they are real people, and as if it wasn't already obvious enough, this is a fanfiction. meaning I am a mere fan with, as I might add, a pathetically plentiful amount of free time on my hands that I willingly choose to cash into writing this fictionally absurd barrel of horse shit with. don't sue me or by any means disrupt my fairly sad excuse for a life to tell me I'm violating some kind of copyright rule. I kid you not, I will stab you with a fork if you do.

okay, is that it? I think so. continue on! ♡

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