It all started here, Music Room # 3 (ouran high school host club fan-fic)

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I cursed under my breathe, "Stupid teacher" I readjusted my guitar that was slung over my shoulder. I let out a heavy sigh as I reached the principle's office, I stared at the sign, looked at my slip, and walked off. "I don't have time for this" I utter to myself starting to walk the empty halls of this place.

I've done this before, a lot actually. I had gotten in trouble, today at least, for not being in dress code. So what I didn't want to wear one of those dresses. So instead I usually wear all black, a shirt the shows my mid drift and cargo pants and I wore shades everyday, sunny or not. I laughed, this school is so stuck up, I think to myself going up a flight of stairs. I shake my black hair out of my eyes and take a look around, "uh where am I" I say to myself walking down a hallway. I take my shades off and place them on top of my head, I stopped at a glass case and stared at myself.

My green/yellow eyes looked back at me and I smiled, people get so freaked when they look at me. I continue on my way down the hall way and stop at a music room, "Music room #3" I shrug my shoulders and walk inside.

I take a startled step back with what I see, "welcome o the host club" they all say. I was staring at the most handsomest men ever, "oh-uh sorry I was just looking for a place to uh practice" stamber and turn to go but a voice stopped me. "Do you play guitar" he asked and I turned aroud to see the cutest little boy ever. A smile and nod my head, "can you play for us" he ask and I shrug my shoulders. "Why not" I open my case and grab my guitar and pick and strum a couple cords, humming along with the words that I made up yo go along with it.

After I was done I put it back in its case, "whoa" he yells and a smile again, he is so cute, I think to myself. "whats your name" he asks and I hesitate and look at the people behind him, then back to him. "Alcina" I say, I look back again and recognize some people. Three of them are in some of my classes, but I didn't know their names. "Well i'm Mitsukuni but most people call me Honey" he says, then points to the others, "this is Takashi" he says pointing to a really tall guy with black hair, he nods and give him a small smile. Then he points to the twins that were in my class, "and those two are Hikaru and Kaoru" I nod my head. He then points to a guy, (which i'm pretty sure was a girl but it was just a hunch), "thats Haruhu and thats" he points to a guy with glasses and a small clipboard in his hand, "Kyouya" . I lift my gaze to a blond guy " and thats Tamaki", I have to admit the name was familiar, I think all the girls talked about him.

"And this is the Host club" Honey says.

It all started here, Music Room # 3 (oran high school host club fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now