Chapter 33

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Random thought: you ever been hungry but too damn lazy to get up and go make something to eat? It's like the thought of having to make something outweighs the hunger? No? Okay....onto this Chappie then


I repeatedly landed blows to my dad's chest as I went ballistic.
"Where is she?!! Where is she!!!" I shouted in a frenzy over and over

I felt numerous hands pull me away from him as my tears blinded me. Everything was blurry but I noticed him slowly putting down his arms, which he had up in defense of my shots.

"Whoa whoa, Kaela!" I heard August's voice say to me after they pryed me away but I was still throwing punches at the air.

"Ma'am if you dont calm down, we're gonna have to take you to the station-" a police officer began to say but got cut off by August.

"Dat ain't necessary"

"What did you do with herrr?!" I yelled once more at my dad who looked like he couldn't believe what just happened.

"Mikaela," August said more sternly, " you need ta calm down"

"No August. He knows. He knows where she is and who took her!" I wiped a stray tear away with my shirt sleeve.

"Ma'am do you have any proof of these accusations?" The female officer stepped forward and asked me.

I sniffled trying to gain my composure. Everyone looked at me intent, awaiting my response.

"H-he offered to take her to the park today when I said I couldn't go....I mentioned that the paparazzi could possibly be there and you should have seen the look on his face August. It was like he was caught off guard for some reason." I looked up at August momentarily

"Then Ms Catherine told me that when the kidnapper took Brie," my heart ached at those last words, "he chose to run through the cyclist path at the park. When I'm sure it's pretty clear that no one gets through there cause it's always so busy,"

"I don't like camera flashes Mikaela. After all the news reporters at the scene after the fire back made me sensitive.

I shook my head, " ever since you came back it's one thing after the next. First your car malfunctioned and he supposedly fixed it in the nick of time. Then the fire, now our daughter is missing. It's him!" I turned to face August nearly pleading with him to see through my father's scheming.

" Mikaela I love you and Brie, I would never do anything to harm her" his voice cracked as he spoke.

"Don't stand there and fucking lie to my face!!" I screamed as I began charging towards him, but Big T grabbed a hold of my waist.

"You're lying! You're punishing me for Aiden and mom! You tried to hurt me then but you didn't succeed! Now you're doing it again!!!!" I flailed in T's arms as the pain, anger and desperation of everything took over me.


"T take ha upstairs," I told T as I watched him carry Mikaela away. Shit was gettin outta hand, but ma priority was ta find ma daughter.

"August I'd never-" Mr Montgomery began

"Just one question. Why'd ya run through da bike lane though?" I cut him off and asked

"My eyes were focused on Brie the entire time. I was just running towards her- I didn't even see I'd ran into that pathway." He explained

Doe Mikaela thought ha old man was tryna fuck wit us, and what she did say sounded a little suspect he was da only lead ta findin' dat vehicle ta'night. Plus what he said matched da make and model of what da traffic camera pulled up afta'. So fa now he was an ally.

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