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"Where are you going dressed so cute?" Loz asked as she rocked a sleeping Alex in her arms. I sat cross-legged on the couch, taking my phone out from my pocket.

"I'm going on a date with Callum at the drive in theatre."

"You know that's like kissers paradise?" I looked up at her smirking expression and shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't help but let a little smile appear on my face just by thinking about how his lips would taste on mine.

"Exactly what I need right now,"

"Okay okay I see, you're a raging hormonal teenager, I get it. Just don't take it too far alright?"

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows, my full attention on her. I patted my sweaty hands on my jeans and adjusted my crooked sweater.

"What I mean is that you're a couple of 17 year old hormonal kids. Someone is bound to want a little more than a few kisses. Just don't do anything you know you'd regret." She warned. I understood what she was saying but I was smart enough not to let this date turn into something I didn't intend to happen. I wasn't ready to be knocked up at age 17 and I wasn't even ready to have sex right now. Maybe she was giving me this pep talk because Alex was a surprise baby. Her and Matt weren't expecting her to get pregnant, especially since they were protected, as she says.

I checked my phone and realised it was about quarter past seven. Maybe he was running late or there was traffic. I managed to persuade myself that he wasn't standing me up, he was running late. He was only half an hour late anyway, we wouldn't miss much.

I finally heard the doorbell ring, which caused a wide grin to spread on my face. With my sneakers, I paced to the front door and swung it open but my grin was immediately washed away with a look of annoyance.

"What are you doing here." I groaned. He had a light smirk on his face as he ruffled his hair. He had on black jeans and a grey sweater, almost mirroring my outfit. We looked like one of those irritating couples who dressed the same.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for you babe. Matt and your dad invited me over for a game tonight. I hope you don't mind," he chuckled. He could care less if I minded or not. Caring about others was not in his vocabulary.

"I do mind."

"Good." He smirked as he stepped into my house. I rolled my eyes at him and led him into the theatre room where Matt was seated with a beer in his hand. He looked up and smiled when he spotted Harry.

"Harry, my man!" He stood up and gave him a weird bro hug thing. "How's the Styles house?"

"Same old you know, how's it here living with Lana and her hormones?" Harry said causally. I almost choked at his words and glared at him, who only gave me a slight smile.

"Eh, Lana's not a problem. She's actually quite chill to hang out with," He defended me. I thanked him with my eyes and pulled the rude finger at Harry behind his back as I left to the dinning room.

"Where is mum?" Lauren asked as she turned the TV on. I sat back in the couch and put my feet up. If mum were here, she would scold me for putting my shoes on the couch but mum wasn't here so Lauren and I could be rebels right now. Yep, this was our definition of rebellion.

"She's out at Martha's. I don't know what she likes bout' her."

"Mum tries to like everyone Lay, she would still offer a cup of tea to the devil himself if he were here." I chuckled at her and paid my attention to movie that was playing. I had no idea what was playing but I soon found myself falling asleep on the couch.


"Lana," someone shook my body. I groaned as I pushed the figure away but it licked my cheek. I flinched as I moved my face away and finally opened my eyes to come in eye contact with El. But she wasn't her usual happy carefree self. She looked to be bothered by something.

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