Chapter 17. Faith and Plans.

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Chapter 17.

Faith and Plans.

"Lynwood, where are we going?" Collyn asked as they flew through the rain

"To Caderyn's cave in the great mountain, it's not too far from where I used to live."

"Will I be safe there?"

"Oh yes very safe, no man has ever climbed that high. The only creatures who've made it to the top are dragons. Why were the guards chasing after you? I thought you were the princess."

"I am," Collyn's eyes started to get watery. "But these past few days everything has gone so terrible and topsy turvy."

"It has to do with that letter I asked you to give, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does, but it is far too long a story for me to tell now. I'll wait till we get out of the rain and cold."

"Good idea," Lynwood agreed

"What were you doing by the palace anyway? It is a pure miracle that you happened to come by at that moment."

"I actually came here to see you, that is, I was hoping you would be able to help me find out some information about my father."

Collyn smiled faintly, "I am so glad you came by, although I suppose it is only right, you are the one who got me into this mess, so you should be the one helping to get me out."

"Oh come on, I had no idea what was in that letter. I swear it must be a cursed letter; it causes trouble wherever it goes. First it got my father arrested, made me outlawed and now it is causing trouble for you."

"You are outlawed?"

"Yes, that's why I am hiding with my sister in Caderyn's cave, because I can't go home and neither can she."

Collyn shook her head in bewilderment, how different her life had become in just a matter of days. At last they reached the mountain and Caderyn flew into his cave where Sofia had been anxiously waiting for them

"At last you are here!" she exclaimed, carefully getting up and hobbling to the soaking wet trio, "I wake up, both of you are gone and...oh..." Sofia noticed Collyn. "Who is this?" She asked raising an eyebrow and looking Collyn over a little suspiciously.

"Sofia, this is princess Collyn. Collyn, this is my younger sister Sofia."

"Oh hello," Sofia smiled. "You're the girl Lynwood was telling me about, the one whom he delivered the letter too; it's nice to meet you. Lynwood," Sofia turned to her brother, "why did you bring her here?"

"That is a long story, Sofia, and one I'll be sure to tell you as soon as we get dried off."

Sofia nodded. "Come Collyn, I'll take you to the nest. You'll have to take off your wet clothes, but don't worry, I'll give you a blanket to wrap up in until your clothes will dry, it really shouldn't take too long. Lynwood, throw some more firewood into the fire, get it nice and big, after all we need Caderyn to dry off too." So saying Sofia took Collyn's hand and led her to their makeshift bed. "Don't worry, just go around Caderyn's nest, the boys won't see you there, take off that wet dress, you can wrap yourself in these two blankets, then bring the dress to the fire so we can hang it do dry. I'll fix you something hot to drink for now."

Collyn gave a shy nod and Sofia hobbled away, taking a blanket for Lynwood.

"Here Lyn, take off your clothes and wrap up in this."

"I have an extra pair of pants by the bed close to the arrow," Lynwood said. "Bring them to me. It's a pity I had to use my extra shirt on Caderyn's wound, and the other one on your ankle, but we had nothing else."

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