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"Well done." I smile gratefully to our surrogate mother, Lucy. She smiles back proudly. The baby is ours. It has our genes and our DNA. It's ours.

"Congratulations guys. Here is your beautiful baby girl." Says the midwife, grinning. I take a deep breath. The nurse slowly hands the baby to me. Derek is glued to my side.

"Oh." Is all I can whisper as the baby enters my arms. I rock her gently, hugging her close to me. She makes an adorable little gurgling noise.

"She's... She's so beautiful. And tiny." I breathe, holding back tears.

"God. Sweetie, we did it. We have one. She's so perfect, and she's ours." Derek murmers in my ear. I can feel his breath on my neck.

"Can I?" He asks, holding his arms out expectantly.

I smirk at him and turn to face him.

"Of course. Be careful." I whisper as I slide her into his arms.

"Always." He whispers back. Suddenly, our peaceful moment is interrupted by Lucy, screaming.

"Okay, Lucy. You ready? Baby number two is on its way!" Shouts the midwife, crouching down at the end of the bed.

"Baby number two? What?!" I shout. The nurse frowns at me.

"You didn't know?" Asks the nurse.

"Does this look like the face of someone who knows?!" I ask sarcastically, pointing to my face.

"Babe, calm down." Whispers Derek. I breathe in, clutching his elbow with my hand to calm myself.

"Twins." I whisper, staring at the first baby girl. "Oh. Crap."

"Come on Lucy, push!" Yells the widwife from the feet of Lucy. Lucy lets out one last strained scream before finally relaxing.

"Guys, you have another beautiful baby girl." Smiles the midwife. I breathe in sharply.

"Oh my god..." I smile, looking over to Derek, who's grinning like an idiot with baby number one in his arms. I take my second daughter from the midwife and cradle her close to my body. She cries a little bit.

"Hey, hey, no, it's okay, sweetie, don't cry..." I whisper, my lips just inches from her tiny little button nose. I kiss her forehead, holding my lips on her skin for a few seconds before turning and showing her to Derek.

"They're both so beautiful." He states, smiling. I feel a surge of excitement thinking of what we could call them.

"Derek?" I perk up, looking at him.


"Lucy. Lucy, Claudia, Stilinski-Hale." I say quietly. He nods, as if granting permission to call her that. Lucy, from the bed, wipes a happy tear from her eyes.

"Guys... You two didn't need to do that!" She sniffs. I smile at her.

"It's a beautiful name. Thank you." I say, meeting her eyes as she is wheeled out of the room.

Derek holds up the little girl in his arms.

"And what about this little one?" He mumbles playfully.

"How about Talia? Talia, Alice, Stilinski-Hale." I say, smiling proudly. Derek's face lights up at the mention of his mother's name, and I can tell he's over the moon. Alice was the other baby name we both really liked.

"I love it." He whispers.

"I love you." I murmer, leaning in next to him so he's stood behind me and to my left, my shoulder touching his chest.

"I love you too. Hey, we're finally a family." Whispers Derek happily, his smile wide.

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