Disturbing Rumours and Fulfilling Romance

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MOUNT JUSTICE - November 13th


Within a few seconds, the Team had allowed Desmond to stand up, giving him enough time to awaken his numb limbs, before following him eagerly to the centre of the Mission Room.
Desmond stayed silent and instead began to tap away at the holographic computer keys that floated before him. The longer his silence wore on, the more worried the Team became.
"What was it that you found?" Robin finally asked.
Desmond finished pressing the keys before he turned to face Robin with an anxious look.
"The reason Batman sent me in was to find out about the Light." Desmond explained.
Kid Flash looked at him with confusion.
"The Light?" he asked. "Who are they?"
Desmond leaned back onto the hologram slightly, preparing himself for a long explanation.
"It's group that serves Vandal Savage." he said.
The Team looked at him with shock. They didn't know the Light by name, but they knew Savage's name.
"They act behind the scenes in politics, media, you name it. They are built on Savage's belief of Darwinism, that only the strongest should survive. Since the Justice league was made to protect the defenceless and weak, The Light believes them to be enemies, which is the reason that they attacked the Watchtower on New Years Eve."
The Team looked at each other with worry.
"Do you know who these guys are?" Artemis asked. "Can we stop them?"
"Yes, I do know who they are." Desmond explained. "I met them all several times. But for certain reasons and orders from Batman and the League, I can't tell your their names. I'm sorry..."
The Team were disappointed, but maintained an air of hope.
"So mission complete?" Superboy asked him. "Now the League just needs to go and get these Light guys and you can-"
"It's not that simple." Desmond interrupted. "While I was told to investigate the Light's members, I found out some things."
He tightened his fingers around the projection.
"Disturbing things."
Before the Team could ask, he began to press more keys on the keypad.
"I'm sorry, but Batman has forbade me from saying anything more about this. All I can tell you is that the fight you have put against the Light in this past year, is only going to get worse..."
Kid Flash let out a loud, annoyed groan.
"Seriously?" he asked. "You can't tell us anything else?!"
Desmond shook his head.
"I would tell you guys in a heartbeat if I could, but the League needs to hear about it first."
He returned to the keypad.
"Besides, there is more to be investigated..."
"Like what?" Robin asked.
"Like who those involved in this disturbing information are and how to stop them."
A map suddenly appeared in the air.
"Savage seemed very interested in this location." Desmond explained. "I'd bet the whole Justice League on a silver platter that Savage has got something there..."
He looked at them.
"I'm going to go there to investigate and relay the information back to you."
The team looked at him with shock. Desmond had just come back to them and already he was pushing them away?!
"No, Desmond." Robin said firmly. "If these Light guys have something dangerous, then you'll need our help."
"I know the Light, Dick." Desmond said. "I know how to get past them myself."
"And if the Light is as organised as you say," Artemis added. "Then they will already know that you were a spy and they will probably be waiting for you!"
Desmond accepted that she was right, but still felt like asking for their help after all the emotional turmoil he put them through would be selfish of him or too much to ask of them.
"You're back on this Team, Desmond." Miss Martian told him. "We should act like one."
Desmond sighed in defeat. Even though he hadn't forgiven himself, the Team clearly had forgiven him. He felt happy, but also even more guilty at the same time.
"You all have five minutes to get ready." Desmond said to them. "If you take too long, I'll leave without you and if Batman finds out, you never knew about this mission."
The Team all smiled and quickly ran off to their rooms as Desmond turned back to the keypad.
But suddenly, he felt a pair of arms throw themselves around his back, pulling him tightly and making his heart fly into his throat.
"Zatanna..?" he asked.
But Zatanna stayed silent, tightening her embrace.
"I thought you weren't going to come back..." she whispered.
Desmond couldn't help but smile and turned off the keypad before turning around to return the hug, devoting his full attention to Zatanna.
"I'm sorry..." he said to her quietly. "I know that this must have been hard on you. Seeing your friends beaten, your mentors die..."
But Zatanna shook her head, her ebony hair rubbing against his chest.
"That might have been hard," she said. "But not as hard as everything else that happened to you..."
Desmond was about to ask what she meant, when she suddenly looked up at him with teary eyes.
"Seeing you hurt, making you think you had no friends in the world..."
She placed a delicate hand over his chest, right on the area where Robin had stabbed him.
"Watching you die..." she almost sobbed.
Desmond sighed and looked down.
"I know..." he said.
The two held each other quietly, a beautiful, tender silence until Zatanna asked Desmond a question:
"Do you really love me? Or was that an illusion too?"
Desmond shook his head.
"No, Zatanna..." he whispered. "What I said to you that night was the truth..."
He lifted her chin up with his finger until her cyan eyes locked with his.
"None of Manhunter's illusions can make me as happy as the night you said you loved me..."
Zatanna smiled and blushed slightly, her eyes teary with happiness. Desmond gently pulled her closer and kissed her lips. It was a gentle kiss, soft and warm, but the happiness and emotion behind it made it one of the most strongest and fulfilling moments of Zatanna's life.
They pulled away, with Desmond blushing furiously. Zatanna was so used to him having a smug and evil face, she couldn't help but giggle at his flushed cheeks.
"Shut up..." Desmond grumbled, trying to cover up his cheeks.
When the redness around his cheeks finally dissipated and Zatanna stopped giggling, Desmond began to walk to the Bio-Ship.
"Come on..." he smiled to her. "We've got a mission to complete." 

DesAnna is back! :D
The team has welcomed Desmond back with open arms!
But there is a series of disturbing rumours that Desmond uncovered during his time with the Light?!
What can these rumours be?! What is the source of them?!
Will the Team find them? And if they do, how will it affect their future as heroes of Earth?
How will it affect Desmond himself..?

Find out in the next chapter! :D
Be sure to vote if you enjoyed the chapter and comment your thoughts so far!
What do YOU think Desmond has uncovered within the Light?

Be sure to stay tuned for the last three chapters of Young Justice: The Mimic Contingency and for a special announcement regarding this fanfic! :D
- Kai-Shiro :D

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