the day I married one direction

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(a/n) I wanted to write this story because I love one direction and my school is centered around writing but I will need some ideas so hope you enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chapter one

hello my name is Catherine vanished and yes my last name is vanished do not make fun I am going to tell you my story on how I met my husbands one direction

my life was mostly normal I was awaken by my aunt telling me there was a new 1D contest all you had to do is take a pic with all you 1D stuff aso that is what I did and I enter for a chance to meet one direction up close and semi personal now all I had to do is wait and see who the voters vote for .................

a/n what happens next you choose p.s my name is caty

a/n I want to tell you how much I love one direction I love them so much all I ever read is one direction I am 14 and live in west valley city Utah my best friends are leah and kylia.I have three brothers I am the only girl in my famliy other then my I will continue after I get some ideas so comment some ideas plz and keep reading

chapter two

liam's pov

I really hope that who ever wins don't scream in our faces.said Louis

I hope she's hot .said harry we all yelled that she is probly seven years younger than us .he replied that does not matter to me if they have agood personalty and good looks she is perfect in my eyes.i aggred with the good personality but looks do not matter to me it is not about what is on the outside the true magic happens on the inside.but i do miss dani's good looks but she made her choose to leave and i was heart broken at first but i got over it.

catherine's pov

waiting is hard but for one direction i would wait a lifetime that is how much i love them so i hope i win this contest .my heart would be broken because i had everyone vote for me .If i dont win that means that this was all for dream is to some day marry the one and only liam james payne.I just found out that the prize is 5 frount row tickets and 5 backstage pass plus a tour of there tour bus.that makes me want to win even more

leah's pov

(a/n leah is catherine's best friend)

my best friend just told me and Kylia that she has a chance to meet one direction the best boyband in the world she said all we had to do is vote for her and she is going to take us to the best night of our lifespan.

me and Kylia got Taylor and bille.we got to work right away.

a/n what will happen next you will have to wait and see hope you enjoyed this chapter and if not tell me what you think it needs keep reading

chapter three

kylia's pov

Catherine just told us we have a chance to meet one direction that is all of our dreams put together us meaning me, Catherine ,leah,bille ,and Taylor .but me Catherine and leah are the closest.our ideas of fun meet with one direction.Catherine loves liam .I love harry.leah loves Louis .bille loves niall.Taylor loves we never fight over how gets how.our friendship fits like a glove is the way I think of it.

niall's pov

we are so happy that a fan can come and meet me and the makes me feel like if I can make five girls happy I can make five small town girls dream come true.


sorry it was short the next chapter will be longer I have bit of writers block

chapter four

catherine's pov

me and the girls are at the contest hall.we have been waiting for about six hours.we turn our heads to five familar voices.Louis starts by saying thanks for entering.I think I was to busy looking at liam.he is perfect in my eyes. I want to win so bad right now because I am so close to win I can nearly feel it.I know my friends are wanting me to win to.

a/n sorry about the short chapter

chapter four

liam's pov

we are out on the stage at the contest hall about who get the prize.I have the magic envlope. and the winner is Catherine vanised.

I start to see five girls jumping up and down. but one of them catches my eye.she has fine blond hair that is dip-dyed red I think red for one direction.

Catherine pov

I won I won and to make the day better I think liam was looking at me.I can't belive I won I won .me and my five friends aka Kylia leah bille and Taylor .the consert is in two days.oh no we only have two days too pick the perfect outfit but we can take care of that tomarow.we all what to wear something that discrides us and the person we are crushing in one direction


sorry for the wait writers block got the best of me

tell me what you think they should wear to the consert

leah should look like Louis

Kylia should look like harry

bille should look like niall

Taylor should look like zayn

Catherine should look like liam

tell me your ideas

chapter 5

Catherine pov

so after 8 hours of shoping we picked the perfect oufit I was dress as liam of course I a plaid top and kakis booty shorts and high heels

leah as Louis in stripes supenders bright red booty shorts and toms

Kylia as harry in plain shirt with blazer on top and again kakis booty shorts and heels

bille as niall in red shirt kakis booty shorts and tenis shoes

Taylor as zayn in plain shirt with jacket over the top kakis booty shorts and tenis shoes

after we got dressed we did our hair and make-up

I strighted my hair and went for the clean cut make up

Kylia did her hair in curls and make up will it had flair

leah did her hair to the side and make up was sassy

bille did her hair like naill would and make up was vary little

Taylor well with her hair and make up she went all out

we were the first ones in the arena

we got to our seats as soon as we could.even if we did not have first row.we would run because some times the boys come out to say hi only a true fan would know that and then it happen

(a/n sorry if you did not like the outfit choose for each boy I had no commets so sorry and sorry it is short I just wanted a cliffhanger so any ideas of what it is)

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