4. The Story That Followed After

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"Hey guys, how are ya?" The Adrian look-alike had asked as he entered the kitchen and waved at the five people before him. He looked around and spotted Dominic who had been playing around with his food. "You guys know that he's not eating, right?"

Michael looked over at Dominic and then stood up to walk over to him. "You need to eat."

Adrian looked back and spread his lips into a smile. "How was school, Emmanuel?"

Emmanuel ran a hand through his hair and gave his brother a dazzling smile. "The ladies love me in high school. What more can I ask for?"

Amanda scoffed as she ate some chocolate chip ice-cream. "Of course they would, Emmanuel. They'd go crazy for an all-American boy any day. I would, too. That's why I'm patient for these four years to come."

"I love you, Amanda." Emmanuel said with a wide grin. His blue eyes shone in delight as he stood next to Dominic, who handed him a grape from his plate.

"Hewe, Uncle Emmanuel." He said, then chowed into his plate after Michael gave him a stern look.

Yvanna rolled her eyes as she browsed through the internet for baby furniture on her phone. "Don't feed his already large ego, Amanda. It sucks we already have to deal with one."

"But you love me, so it's OK." Adrian said with a smirk. Yvanna looked up at him momentarily before looking away and shrugging her shoulders. She bit on the inside of her cheek to refrain from smiling, but a kiss on the cheek from Adrian had her failing to keep that.

"How's my favorite sister-in-law?" Emmanuel asked as he leaned on the counter.

"You're only sister-in-law, was great. But she is annoyed now that you're here." She answered dryly. Emmanuel kept the smile on his face and Yvanna looked up to match it.

"Emmanuel, are there any school events?" Michael had asked him as he filled up a blue and white sippy cup with apple juice.

"Oh, yeah." Emmanuel said as he stood up straighter. "Principal O asked if we could go to down to the city for a school trip." More to himself, he said, "I don't know why he doesn't come and ask himself, but I don't mind being the messenger."

"I'll just speak to him." Michael said with a nod.

"Oo, the city? Like New York City?" Yvanna asked as she placed her phone down. Adrian took it to start playing one of the games he installed there, even though his phone laid right in front of him.

"I think he means the city as in Salt Lake City." Amanda said as she scooped up more ice-cream. Yvanna sent her a glare and Amanda only said, "What? You asked the only obvious question."

"It was out of excitement, idiot."

"Oo! Daddy! Aunt Yvanna said bad wowd!" Dominic let out as he pointed to Yvanna.

"That's right, Dominic. She said a bad word." Michael nodded in agreement, the amusement laid behind his eyes.

"She get time out?" Dominic asked, and this time it was towards Adrian. Emmanuel bit on his thumb pad to refrain from laughing, and Amanda was biting down on the spoon for the same thing.

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now