(The lucky one)

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April's POV:

"So where exactly are you taking me then?" I asked Cameron who was driving the car; he smiled and shook his head like I said a joke.

"Some place you will probably remember for the rest of your life" He said. Wow he must be taking me somewhere really special then.

"Is it that cheesy?" It was red lights so he turned towards me and smirked. He took his hand off the sterling wheel and took mine from my lap into his.

"It will be really special" He kissed my knuckles and intertwined his fingers in mine.

"Cameron do you mind if I tell you something?" He shook his head and started driving again.

"Sure" He said looking straight.

"You know when you came to the fair with us yesterday and I wanted the girl's to you better....."


"Well they didn't like you" I told him truthfully. I looked at his reaction but nothing was showing.

"You know what I don't really care about what people think about me, because all I care about is you and me together as long as you are happy I am" I sighed and put my hand on my chest. Thank god I thought he was going to go mad.

"That's what I like about you, you so understand" I told him.

"Yeh that's me for you. Understanding Cameron"

"Yeh understanding you" 

(1 hour later)

How long are we going to be driving for it's been at least an hour and it has gone really dark outside as well.

"Cameron how long I think I'm going to fall asleep" I yawned and stretched my arms out a little.

"It's going to take half an hour and we will reach their promise. Just go to sleep I'll wake you up when we get there" I smiled and patted his leg.

"You're so sweet. Night" I closed my eyes and relaxed into the car seat.

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