Chapter 5: They're Here

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The sky was alive with colour that evening. A wash of deep, golden-amber and flicked with soft white clouds, it was certainly a sight to behold. Snowfall lifted his gaze to the sky, taking a heartbeat to simply breathe and take it all in. It was a quiet, peaceful moment in a life that had become increasingly busy over the last two moons. That was how long it had been since the tribe visitors had left, leaving behind an ominous warning. At first the clan had been wild with untamed fear; fear for the tiny lives within the Stone Hollow's nursery, fear of death, fear of attack. Bramblestar had since managed to calm his clanmates, ordering reinforcements of the Thorn barrier, enlarging and strengthening the walls of not just the Nursery, but all of the dens. Border patrols had been increased and Snowfall had caught many warriors practising combat.

He couldn't help but feel an unsettling dread within him. These cats were preparing for battle, for war. Was that really the only way to settle things? How were they to know that these cats from the twolegplace, the division cats, were really coming to the clans to steal their kits, to kill their warriors and steal their prey? They might be coming for help for all they knew; all that the tribe cats had told them was that the division cats were coming to the clans. No reason why, just that they were coming.

Snowfall understood that they had a bad history, but there was no reason to jump to the conclusion that these cats were seeking them out in a negative way. The white-furred tom sat back a little, his spine rippling into a stretch and a tiny yawn escaping his jaws.

Pushing aside the thoughts of the division cats, at least there was some good news in ThunderClan. The apprentices were all excelling in their training and a few sunrises ago, Dovewing had kitted. If anything, this had strengthened the will of the ThunderClan warriors to protect and defend the Stone Hollow, but they were still a welcomed addition to the clan. Four little kits, so Ambersky had told him; the first-born, a little silver tabby with a white underbelly named Featherkit, a dark grey tabby tom called Stonekit, Tigerkit, a small brown tom with darker stripes, and the youngest, a silver-and-white tabby she-kit, who they'd given the name of Silverkit. Their parents couldn't be happier, even if they had been born a half-moon earlier than Leafpool had predicted their arrival. They hadn't yet opened their eyes, if they had, Snowfall was sure Ambersky would have told him about it by now. ThunderClan had been blessed with so many kits in the last few moons, first it had been Cinderheart's litter, then Cherryflower's troublesome two, Squirrelflight's litter and now Dovewing's four little ones.

The snowy-pelted tom had yet to visit ThunderClan's newest members, though he was in no rush. Last night, they'd been mewling for what seemed like hours, which hadn't exactly helped with Snowfall's already existing inability to sleep.

StarClan, having insomnia is annoying! The white tom thought gruffly, sinking his claws into the soft earth. All he wanted was one night of good, undisturbed sleep. One night. Was that too much to ask for?

He'd managed to get a bit of sleep the night before last, but last night he had to give up and go for a moonlight hunt. At least, on the bright side, he caught a squirrel, which he later gave to Seedflight. But that didn't make it any less annoying. Why couldn't he be like his denmates? Ambersky always slept like a log and Dewclaw... Actually, when Snowfall had left for his night hunt the previous night, his brother's nest had been empty, his bedding cold. He'd probed the dark grey tom about it later, who'd brushed it off and told him he went to make dirt, then decided to go hunting. Snowfall was still a little suspicious of him though.

I suppose I'd better head back to camp.

Stifling a yawn, the white tom shook a stray leaf from his pelt and began to cross the clearing, his pawsteps soft and light like clouds. It would be sundown soon, Seedflight would probably be wondering where he was; he'd promised her he wouldn't be long.

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