Act 9: A hero will rise but will evil fall?

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I'm going to summarize the next hour from after I blocked all the entrances. Shizuka and I cleared out the zombies and the gang worked together to help the wounded as well as reorganize all the supplies. Things went pretty good aside from Takashi and everyone not looking me in the eye. Did I scare everyone again? If I did I really need to work on how I look when fighting because I don't want my closest friends scared of me. Then Takashi actually walked up to me with Saeko, Rei, Kohta and Saya behind him. It made me nervous since they didn't have smiles on their faces. What I didn't expect was them bowing and saying in unison "We're sorry."
"What are you guys apologizing for?" Takashi lifted his head up and sighed. "We were trying to leave but we weren't going to take you with us. We thought you were dangerous and to keep us safe-" I cut him off by punching him dead center in his face but I was smart enough to hold my strength back. Then I sighed, scratching the back of my head. "I get it but that doesn't make me happy. How about we just forget that ever happened and move on?" Takashi brushed off a little blood off of his face as he stood up. Maybe I should've held back a little more. "That works for me. Still friends?" He held out his fist and I didn't hesitate to give it a tap with mine. "We've made it this far. Of course we're still friends."
"Good to see you all made up." Shizuka ran over and hugged me. She had been helping with the wounded. "There is something you still need to take a look at Dante." She grabbed my hand and lead me somewhere. I didn't know what it would be that I needed see but her expression was serious. It took me a few seconds to realize we were heading to where they had me locked up. When we entered she picked up a file that was on the floor. I remembered instantly. When she was dying she had pushed that into my chest and she did the same at this moment. "You need to read it and I'm sorry I didn't give it to you sooner. At first I forgot and then you changed so I read it hoping to find answers. I didn't like what I saw." I doubt I was going to like it either but it must have been important so I opened the file browsing through the documents. I could feel my blood boiling as I looked through each paper, as I saw each experiment recording, all the people that were just like me. This entire zombie apocalypse was the cause of this one company and the man who led it. It burned my eyes as I saw the name Koichi Shido signed and mentioned throughout the damn thing. He created all this and I couldn't wait for the opportunity to make him pay. It actually put a smile on my face.
"I'm really sorry." I must have made my emotions obvious because Shizuka kept looking at the ground like she felt ashamed. "Nothing to worry about. It answered a lot of questions. Thanks for telling me now." I hugged her tightly and I could feel a few tears sink into my shirt. Our moment was interrupted by Rei running in. "Dante we need your help quick!" I followed her and she led me to the front entrance that I had blocked. "There's a bus on the side of that wall. Can you let them in?" I didn't respond and simple caused one of the spikes to cave in and the bus drove through and the passengers stepped out. It was amazing because it was the same group that we separated from before and that meant one thing.
He looked a little shaken as he walked out. It was probably the structure that blocked his path. It made no sense and it made even less sense to see me opening it up for him. He had fear in his eyes as he walked off the bus but he tried to play it off. "Dante, Rei it's good to see you again." Since I had him here I thought it would be a good time to chew him out. "Yeah are you happy to see your little experiment?" That made him sweat and I loved the look on his face. "I assure you I have no idea what your talking about." He had a quivering in his voice so I thought I'd finish him off in front of all his faithful followers and it started by changing my arms into those vicious looking claws. "Oh so you don't remember injecting me with your little sirum. The same sirum that gave me these and that made this whole thing happen. All the zombies, all the people dead are on your hands." Those looks of fear for there hero turned into confusion for Shido's cult. I heard the usual things. "He's lying," "he would never do that," "he's a good man," "he's a hero." I held out my arm pointing one sharp finger to his throat. "I'll give you an option. You can stay where I'll kill you for all that you've done or you can take your chances out there. Of course your group will be staying here." Shido's face showed only fear and anger and he slowly began to walk into his own grave. "You'll regret this boy." I didn't see how I could. "I doubt that. Especially since you made me this way. It's your own fault." Shido actually smirked. I just assumed it was the insanity kicking in. "You're right. I did make you and I'm going to kill you." There was no possible way he could but I had a bad feeling. Even after I closed up the entrance it didn't go away. Rei took the survivors to the estate but I stayed. There is no possible way he could do any harm now so why do I feel so uneasy?

Koichi Shido:
That anger towards me, the animosity in his eyes, it was all so petrifying. However the thing that made me smile was his power. It was amazing to think he became such a specimen of complete destruction and carnage. It might have even came with an immunity for this stupid virus. It must have and now I have a way to survive this Armageddon. As I walked away from the estate I pulled out three vials of the gene that made the monster himself. I kept them close. They were the only things I managed to take from the experiment. Three vials of all that power and it was there the whole time. How could I not realize it. I needed to find a way to inject it so I kept walking. I kept quiet so the zombies wouldn't come after me and I found an abandoned pharmacy.
My luck must have been improving as I was able to easily enter the building. I rummaged through all the supplies into I found the needles. I used them to inject all three vials into my body. I couldn't wait for their powers to activate. The very thought made me feel so powerful that I ran out into the open laughing maniacally. The zombies heard me and began to walk towards me but I held my ground. I didn't care because they would soon fall to my power. That's what I thought but as they drew closer I didn't feel any different. I couldn't change my arms into claws or create spikes from the ground. Why was I still normal? What was missing? I needed to think of what went wrong or I was going to die here. I couldn't do that yet. I still needed revenge and I plan to have it but then why dammit. They began to back me into a corner. I had nowhere else to run or hide. If it's not the gene alone then what could it be? Will I ever know. It seemed like I never would, especially with the zombies tearing into my flesh and consuming me.

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