X - We Meet Again

143 13 23

Dedicated to super_chey for being so kind and asking for an update, this one goes out to you :-)



I stroll down the sidewalk of the vaguely familiar street, shivering as the bitter cold wind nips at my nose.

Why am I doing this?

I keep my eyes focused on the pavement in front of me, avoiding eye-contact with strangers passing by.

"Call me when you aren't going to be so difficult."

The words echo in my mind as I continue my walk to the café that Evan agreed to meet me at.

Maybe this is a bad idea... maybe that was fate telling me to end whatever I had with Evan. But no, I can't go back to being so alone. The silence of the empty apartment and lack of messages begging me to go out (whether to have fun or simply become his sudden designated driver) was overwhelming. The absence of schoolwork as I am on semester break served as more of a curse than a blessing as I had nothing to occupy my time with, other than my shitty part-time job.

So of course, there I went crawling back to Evan.

I sent him a message, asking to go out for coffee and he took me up on my offer. This came as a surprise to me as I never thought Evan to be one to drink coffee, but I wasn't about to push my luck.

I tug my heavy, plum peacoat tighter on my torso and bury my nose into the fluffy scarf wrapped around my neck, keeping warm in the nippy weather as I weave my way through the people. Eventually, however, I find myself in front of the coffee shop I haven't been to in years.

The bell on the door chimes, declaring my entrance to the warm and welcoming café. The ever-so-familiar scenery brings back memories from my teenage years of visiting the shop, causing the corners of my lips to tug up into an involuntary smile.

However, I cannot help but notice that Evan is nowhere to be seen.

Although, we did agree on ten 'o clock, and it's fifteen-to-ten. There's plenty of time for him to show up.

"Hi there!" A perky barista greets me, popping up from behind the dark counter. This startles me to say the least, snapping me out from my thoughts. I feel my cold cheeks flush red from the combination of the suddenly warm air around me and my embarrassment to be so obviously taken aback at the curly haired barista's surprising greeting.

"Hi," I smile shyly at the eager-looking boy behind the counter as he wipes his hands on his apron, grinning happily at me. On a regular day, I would find his enthusiasm endearing and almost amusing, but today, I'm too anxious to pay much appreciation to his attitude.

"Welcome to Coffee Stain, have you been here before?" He questions, not breaking his happy and upbeat composure.

I glance around the near-empty shop, and nod slightly, admiring the warm decor that accentuates the welcoming atmosphere. I take note of the many empty armchairs and couches placed around the café. It is a Thursday morning, so I am not surprised by the lack of customers.

"Yeah, but it's been ages since I was last here." I tell him to which he nods, looking genuinely interested in what I have to say, a trait you don't come across much in customer service.

"Well, we're glad you could stop by again. Do you know what you'd like to drink?" He beams, nodding towards the menu overhead.

I take a few steps closer to the counter, pulling my wallet out from my purse. I place my order--a small vanilla latte with extra foam--and take my seat in what used to be my usual spot, the back corner of the shop, and there I wait.

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