24hrs - Attack of the subsconscious

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Hello #STARlings!

24 hours left.

24. Freaking. Hours.

And then it's all over. Oh, god, my nerves.

I'm sitting here at work, exhausted. My eyes are so heavy they want to melt off my face. Last night I was a fit of anxiety (a total clusterf@ck of excitement and trepidation).

Have I done enough? Did I overlook something? I dreamt that I was in the library and walked in to discover the Harelquin editors were all there, frantically going over entries and votes. Somehow I managed to see/get my hands on a current copy of the score sheet and discovered there I was, right at the very bottom, with 900 votes. And the Top Number One spot tied for well over 5000. With only 24 hours left in the game, the dream ended with me a frantic mess because I knew there was no conceivable way I was going to wrangle up that many votes in such a narrow window.

So on one hand I'm so ready for this to be over, and on the other I am so anxiously not wanting to give it all up.

I want to say a huge shoutout to my fellow entrants, I hope you're all hanging in there! Cause if I am this bad when I'm usually a calm and not easily rattled individual, I can only imagine what this pressure is doing to my peeps. I'd say let the best woman win, but I think we're all pretty freakin' awesome and equally deserving.

With no word of a lie, I am honoured to have gone trhough this with you guys and will pop open the champagne whether to celebrate the win for myself or for one of you 

So, on that bright and happy note, here's the link to the Top 10.


You can feel free to vote for me (OUT OF FOCUS) or kick on over to someone else and vote there. The list is stacked with crazy talent, I know you'll find something that speaks to you even if my entry doesn't. But please, please, please VOTE - for someone. Anyone. That little click of the mouse could be the game changer. The one that makes wishes happen and dreams come true.

So, in essence, that kinda makes you a fairy godmother. 

Or Harry Potter. 

Wave those wands, peeps! And bring a little magic to someone's life.

Out of Focus #SYTYCW15 Top10 Finalist! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now