Chapter 19

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It's been a week since mum had the surgery. She was slowly recovering and hopefully she could go home by tomorrow. It's also been a week since I last spoke and saw Liam. They would be heading over to Mexico tomorrow. The four boys had promised they'd drop by the hospital to visit mum before they left, so they'd be here in a few minutes. 

I sit on the chair next to Mum's bed as we watch the TV. It was EXTRA and I just love watching Mario Lopez talk and his dimples are, oh my gosh, breathtaking. The door opens and in comes dad followed by the four lads. 

"Hey, Rose." he says, walking over towards mum and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "How are you feeling?" he asks. I like Dad and Mum's relationship. Even if they're not married anymore, they still remain friends.

She smiles at him, "I've been better." she replies. 

Niall walks over to me and gives me a hug, followed by Louis, Zayn and Harry. They say their greetings to mum and make themselves comfortable by the couch - trying to fit. Dad and Mum engage into a conversation while I continue watching TV. 

"Now, Liam Payne - one of the boys from One Direction, who is now in America was spotted last night with a beautiful blonde who we now know is a Victoria Secret model." Mario suddenly says, taking me by surprise. A picture of him holding a girl's hand as they walk out of a restaurant shows up on screen. He was smiling, but not the kind of smile he had when he was truly happy. Still, a pang of jealousy hits me and I could feel all the eyes on me. 

I smile weakly and get up from my seat, excusing myself. I walk out the room and sit by the corridor on the floor. I know I didn't have any right to feel jealous. I was the one who broke up with him, I completely had no right to. He can date whoever he wants and I have no control over it. 

Harry walks out of the room and sits next to me on the floor, shaking his head. "We have no idea Liam was going out with someone." he says, giving out a sigh. "I'm so sorry." 

I try to smile, "It's okay." I say, trying to convince him. "We broke up and he can date anyone he wants." I tell him.

"Yeah, but I just find it quite cruel." he admits, crossing his arms. "He shouldn't be dating anyone so soon. Not after you two broke up just a week ago." 

I chuckle, "I broke up with him Harry. I did. Not him. Whatever he's doing isn't cruel." I tell him. "How is he doing?" I ask, looking at the floor.

Harry sighs, "He's not the Liam we know. He's so hard on us sometimes. He barely hangs out with us anymore. He just sits in his bed all day and barely eats." he ruffles his hair.

I nod, feeling quite guilty. "Well then, let's stop moping around and have some fun, shall we?" he says, trying to lighten up the mood. He stands up and reaches for my arms and pulls me up. 

"What do you want to do?" I ask, smiling at him.

"Well," he says, trying to think as he rubs his chin with his hand. "Since we're leaving for Mexico tomorrow, I want to go bowling with the you and the lads!" he replies, clapping his hands in excitement. 


"She's cheating!" Louis complains like a little kid, after I make another strike. "It's not fair!" he adds. The boys laugh at him as I dance around in victory. 

"You have just met your match, Louis!" Zayn says, patting him at the back. We were in the bowling arena and there were only a few people in here. I was the only girl around, so no one had asked the lads for an autograph. 

"She's cheating!" Louis says again, pointing a finger at me. 

I stick my tongue out at him, "I'm just better than you at bowling. Admit it!" I tease. 

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