35- I'm a big girl

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Brian’s world was spinning so fast it left him dizzy.  Was Sam a girl?  Obviously she was!  She had all the girly parts to prove it.  Nice girly parts too!  It felt to him like she moved in slow motion, her left hand letting go of the rope and her body toppling to the side; by the time her head was facing the right way up, she let go of the rope completely.  She landed with a soft plop, facing him; sending the delicate scent that was her, swirling all around him, making him light headed.

As her feet touched the grass beneath the tree, he could feel the way she filled up his life completely.  Suddenly everything was crystal clear.  From far away he heard howling.  Not the sad type, the happiest ever to see the moon again type; no, way happier than that.  By some miracle he realized it was his wolf howling.

{This is her! She is ours.}

{Yes she is!}

His wolf whined, {She smells heavenly!}

{Oh yes.}

{We must be careful with her.}  He whispered.

{We will.}  Brian agreed.

{She is so perfect.}

{Yes,} Brian sighed dreamily; {but she is definitely human.  So she is more mine than yours.}

{Humph!} His wolf snorted, dismissing Brian’s claim altogether.  {She might be human, but her spirit is pure warrior wolf.  She will give us strong, healthy pups.}

{Oh hell yes!}

{Are you just going to stand there agreeing with me or are you going to TALK to her!}

He cleared his throat to speak and she arched an eyebrow at him.  Of all the things he could have said; even a bloody cheesy pickup line would have worked better; but of course he had to go and put both his feet in it.  “Don’t you ever drop out of a tree like that again!  I nearly had a heart attack.”

An irritated look flashed in her eyes fast and was gone even faster.  Later he could not even convince himself he actually saw it there.  She took the one step that was separating them.  “I am a big girl.  I know what I am doing.  And I will keep on doing as I want.”  With that she lifter her hand and pushed it against his rock hard chest.

Her eyes widened; and she pushed harder but he stood still although he could feel the pressure behind her hand.  “My, you are hard aren’t you?”

Once again he put both his feet in it.  “I am hard all over honey.” He drawled.

Her eyes shot wide open, stunned.  But only for a moment; then she grinned at him.  “Well, I will just have to take your word for that, won’t I?”

She turned away from him to face the open mouthed Stephen and the other guy.

“I will let you know what I can do with your tree Stephen.  It’s a beaut; it would be a shame to get rid of it.  I am glad you called.  We will work something out, even if it is a bit on the big side to move.  Don’t worry, OK?”

With that she marched off to her car with long strides.  She was half way there when Brian realized he had to do something!  He ran after her and caught up while she was getting into the car.

“Can we go out sometime?”  He asked desperately.

“No ways!”  She exclaimed while fastening her seatbelt.  “You are going to have to try a lot harder than that.”  She switched the car on and drove off.

Sam had travelled only a few meters when she braked sharply.  She reversed the car right back; cranked open the passenger window and called out to the guy that called her Sam.

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