Chapter 21.

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Smother by Daughter

Okay, guys. Time to figure what was going through Landyn's head.

Stick with me guys because its going to get better, I promise.

WARNING! There is going to be some domestic violence in this chapter that is sensitive to some readers so I'll put this ** when it begins and ends.

I don't want to say enjoy because we get into Landyns childhood in this chapter.

Prepare yourselves.


Landyn's P.O.V

Things were spiraling down.

LeeAna was barely talking to me. I know I fucked up big time but I'm trying. I don't know what to do anymore. She doesn't talk much anymore but when she does, her eyes never meet mine.

I'm not selfish for keeping my beast from, Lee. I was trying to protect her but in the end it bit me right in the ass.
I never thought the beast would force her like that, I honestly didn't. Because if I did know he was going to do that, I would have never allowed him to take control like that.

God, I'm weak. I'm so fucking weak. I deserve whatever punishment is coming my way. Forcing LeeAna to do stuff she didn't want to was a mistake. Mating with her shouldn't have happened so soon. The list goes on and on but I cant do anything now except try and make up for it.

I was on my way to visit my mother. I had wanted Lee to come with me but she had plans. Mom knows about what happened with Lee and to say she was disappointed is an understatement. I've never seen my mom angry. I don't think she's even allowed to get angry which pisses me off. Ever since I was a kid, she's done nothing but care and protect me, as a true mother should. I'm the biggest mama's boy. My father wasn't a workaholic but he wasn't exactly a family man. It upsets me to say that he was around a lot when I was a kid. 'Teaching' me how to be a proper alpha and how to keep my mate in 'check'. Now if my father was good at one thing, it was being an alpha. Other than that he was a shit father and mate.

As I pull up to the house, mother stands on the porch waiting for me. She smiles and waves excitedly when I hop out of the truck. I cant help the wide smile that takes over my face. I loved my mom. Seeing her happy made me happy.

Her small, thin arms wrap around me and I tightly return the hug. She pulls back and frowns, looking around.

"Where's LeeAna," she signs.

"With her mother," I sign back. Mom had always wanted more children, especially a daughter but Dad made her get her uterus taken out after having me. He had a son and that was all he cared about.

I watch as her smile falls slightly and she nods. "Maybe next time?" she asks hopefully. I nod and smile sadly. Not that she loved me any less but what mother doesn't want a little girl.

"I made you some cinnamon rolls with extra icing," Mom chirps while walking in to the house. I had already ate but I wasn't about to refuse her homemade cinnamon rolls. She was the reason I cooked a lot at home. Plus cooking was my calming activity that the therapist at anger management asked me to do.

The smell of cinnamon reminded me of Lee.

"How are you and Lee?"

I sigh and rub my forehead. "She wont let me touch her and she barely talks to me. I'm trying so hard to make this right, Mom. Its like she's given up on us, on me. I mean I bought her flowers, her favorite candy and-"

"Landyn," Mom interrupts. "Her forgiveness cant be bought. She was raped by her other half," I flinch, "she'll always carry that with her. It will always be here," she points to her head, "and here," pointing to her heart.

"But I'm-"

"No," she states calmly. "You knew better than to lose control like that, Landyn. Our beasts only know instinct and dominance. You've seen a male Lycan lose control first hand."

She's right, I have. As much as I try, I cant forget that day.


I was 13 years old. Mom was in the kitchen and I was sitting on the couch practicing more sign language. I was almost an expert now. Me and Mom could have our own secret language. I was so excited to go show her.

"What the fuck are you doing," I heard someone behind me yell. Oh, crap. I jump off the couch and stand straight with my hands behind my back. My dad stood there, eyes an inky black and muscles bulging. "What. Were. You. Doing?"

I answer shakily, "n-nothing."

Dad grabs my hand, crushing it causing me to cry out. He drags me into the kitchen and throws me at Moms feet. She turns from the stove and looks down at me gasping. Her gentle hands help me into a kitchen chair and examine my hand. It was swelling and beginning to turn a purple color. It really hurt but I held back my tears because alphas don't cry.

"You," Dad points a finger at Mom. She sinks back and lowers her head. "Your teaching him that hand language." He corners her into the wall and she whimpers when he fists her hair. "What did I tell you about that shit, Caroline? Hmm?"

"Dad," I interfere and try grabbing his arm. Big mistake. His elbow fly's and hits me right in the nose causing a sickening crack to echo. I yell out and grab my bleeding nose. Pain radiated up my face and the tears were unstoppable. My nose was broken. It hurt so much.

"No," Mom cried out and went to reach for me on the floor. My vision was blurred but I saw Dad grab her hair and slam her head into the wall. Moms body plummeting to the floor. I reached for her with my injured hand but a boot slammed onto it. I cry out and snatch it back, holding the even more injured hand to my chest.

Dads crouches down to my crying form. "Stop fucking crying. Be a man for once in your pitiful life," he spits in my face, "stay here and don't move." The last words were spoken in alpha tone.

I went stiff as a board and didn't move a muscle. My hand and face hurt but I didn't dare move.

He came back with a baseball bat just around the time mom started to wake up. His smile was evil and his eyes showed no white as he beat my mom to a pulp, making me watch. He laughed at her whimpers and screams of pain, all while I died inside.


I swallow and look Mom in the eye. "What do I do?"

She smiles sadly and grabs my hands. "She needs time, Landyn. Time to heal," her thumbs soothe my whitened knuckles, "and as much as you may hate it, honey, she needs time away from you."

I growl at the thought but frown and stare at the granite counter tops. Mom was right.

"Let her choose, Landyn. Let her live life and when the time is right," she whispers,"she'll come back."

And that's exactly what I did. I bought her a laptop so she could face time her friends and family.

Alpha Jensen was a kind hearted alpha. He would take care of Lee until she finished high school and then she would choose.

Rejecting her was probably more painful then anything but it had to be done. If she didn't choose me then I didn't want anything to hold her back.

I love Lee. I'll always love, Lee. And I'll be loyal to her until she comes back to me. I'll get better and I will make her happy. That was a promise.


Okay, guys here it is!

What do you think?
Do you understand why he did what he did now?

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