Imagine for NiallOakleyTomlinson

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Ella's POV

I was just laying in bed and scrolling through instagram. I got a text from my best friend and immediately clicked on my messaging app to see what she sent me. 

Reese- R

Ella- E

R- hey want to go to the mall

E- I'm feeling sick today. Maybe later. Im sorry

R- its ok. feel better

E- of course haha. Bye

R- Bye

The truth is I have been feeling sick for really long and I really dont know what to do. Yes my brother Niall and his best friends are doctors and no its doesnt comfort me and make me feel safe that they are. I guess, in a way it does but its actually hard to explain. Imagine someone you really love and care about and live with is a doctor. Thats the feeling I get. However I knew that my fever was getting worse because my stomach was hurting really bad and had the urge to throw up.

I sighed to myself and just laid in bed thinking what to do when I thought... SLEEP!!! Why didnt I think of that earlier?? I first needed to use the bathroom so I grabbed my phone just in case and walked into the bathroom. I felt like I was going to pass out and my stomach started throbbing so I quickly dialed 911.

E- Ella

H- help

H- Hello, you called 911, whats your emergency?

E- Dont feel good. Track my phone. Help 

I breathed out and then I fell to the ground not remembering anything.

Niall's POV

When I was leaving for work today, I went into my sisters room and she looked like she was in pain but I didnt want to interrupt her sleep so I just left the house. Work wasn't too busy today but again I work in a hospital so there are many doctors. I heard a commotion outside our room and i went outside to see my sister being wheeled in. WHAT!? 

"Stop! Im his brother!! What happened?!" I asked frantically and all the guys noticed so they came up to the gurney.

"She called 911 saying she wasn't too feeling well and we tracked her down to find her passed out on her bathroom floor" The paramedic told me. 

"Can you wheel her into this room? We'll take care of her" Liam said. The paramedics nodded and granted Liams request.

"How could this happen!? I'm such a -ter--r-ibb-ble br-t--h-he-r-er" I sobbed.

"Shh. Ni, its alright. None of us noticed. Now we're going to fix her right up but you need to stay calm. I think you should sit right here and let us do the work this time. Alright buddy?" Louis asked me. I just nodded and sighed while wiping away my tears.

Harry's POV

We all started taking Ella's vitals immediately. She looked so pale and fragile right now and I was honestly really worried about her. 

"Liam give her an I.V and fluids. Harry try to see whats wrong" Louis instructed while listening to her heart. 

I was looking at her medical file and noticed that the last time she came in for a check up, which was a week ago, she complained of a stomach ache. After she was hooked up to the I.V and stuff, she started waking up.

"Hi princess, whats hurting?" I asked her rubbing her cheek.

"My tummy" She whined clutching it. Liam stepped forward and tried to remove her hands from her stomach so we could examine it. 

"No Li. Ni" She said. Niall came to her and started stroking her hair.

"You're fine. We just need to see whats wrong. Please princess" He asked. She shook her head ans started whining. Ni held her hands and Louis held her legs. I pulled up her gown and started to press on her stomach. She started crying so I quickly felt around and noticed that the middle of her stomach was really warm. 

"Severe stomach infection and I checked her temp. It was 103.7" I told them. Everyone except Niall jumped into action and we prepared a shot that would be injected into her stomach and it would make her throw up which would get rid of the infection.

"Hold her tight" We all got into our previous positions before and Niall was desperately trying to calm his baby sister down.

"Cmon love. Just look at me" He told her turning her face towards him again. I injected the shot into her stomach and the medicine slowly went in. 

"My stomach feels funny" Ella said after a minute and started throwing up violently. We helped her clean up and gave her more fluids.

"we'll need to keep her here for a week and give this shot to her twice a day for 3 days" Louis told everyone. 

"No please" Ella whimpered and tried to scramble back. 

"Honey, I promise it'll be alright and you are done with it for today so lets just watch movies until you feel better" I tell her and kiss her head. 

Ellas POV

Even though I hate my brother and his friends in the hospital, I truly love them all like brothers. Sure I'm scared but they help me through it. God knows it'll be hell to get these shots again. :/

I noticed many authors are doing this so I'm trying it too now. The next update will be up once there are 40 votes on this imagine and the update is prepared. Thanks xx.

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