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Once we had finished our pancakes and Neva her 'bacon' the door opened and Cadenza rushed in... Oh brother...
"Oh... My...*puff*... Irene! I almost forgot to... Take your measurements..."
"Did you run here Cadenza?" Aphmau asked, standing up from the table,
"Yes! I've been running around looking for you two for the past half an hour!" Talk about determination! I thought as I stood up,
"Okay... Well Kawaii-Chan is going to clean up... Aphmau-Senpai and Y/N-chan can come back anytime if they want sweets! Or food!" And with that... We were pushed out the door, yet again by Cadenza...

We arrived at her place and she led us downstairs, where racks upon racks of clothing, shoes and accessories lay... I think that's what Cadenza called them...
"Well let me see... You obviously don't wear a lot of long clothing so... Oh! I got it!" She ran over to a desk and opened a draw to reveal a notebook... She flicked through the pages until she found what she was looking for...
"Perfect! Now for the measuring bit..." She said, setting the notebook on the desk next to some weird looking machine? She grabbed this long white tape that had small and large lines across it before setting it around different places around my body... My shoulder and collar bone...Shoulder to wrist... My chest... My waist... My legs... Until she was satisfied for whatever she was doing...

"That's all I need! You girls can leave now! I need the concentration!" And you can only guess what she did next... Not only did she push us out the door... Again! But she also pushed us up the stairs!

"Anyway... Let's go meet Kiki! I'm sure she'll love you!" Aphmau said... We walked through the streets over to a giant house? What did they call it? Oh yeah! A barn! That's what it's called! Is that an elephant?! No there's two?! What the--- but my thoughts were interrupted as Neva started barking at a cat that stood behind the oaken fencing of the barn... The cat made a meowing noise before walking to the other side of the huge barn...
"Ah! Lord Aphmau! It's so good to see you again!" A girl with rose red hair, blue eyes , a white apron , pink shirt and worn out jeans greeted... She exited the barn and walked over to us...
"Hey Kiki! Y/N here is new to Phoenix Drop, I thought you and her would get along..." Aphmau said, gesturing towards me,
"Hi Y/N! I'm Kiki! It's so nice to meet you!" She stuck her hand out to me... Why do they keep on doing this? It's weird!
"Uhhhhh... No thanks?" I had no idea what to do...
"Okay? Anyway! Welcome to Phoenix Drop! Oh my! Is that a wolf?!"
"Yes... Why do you ask?"
"It's just... Normal people can't just gain a wolf... Especially one this large... So... If you don't mind me asking... How did you get her?" It's a pretty long story... But I think I summarized it okay...

"Well... I was born in the wilderness... I have no clue who my parents are or where I was originally born...I was just... Always in the wild... That's how I met my wolf, Neva... I was raised by a pack of wolves... One of the wolves being Neva's mother... When I was 12? I think? She gave birth to a litter of puppies... By then I had encountered other humans and was learning to speak their language as they were always traveling through the woods and I would raid them for their supplies... She died a week later along with most of her pups but one... Killed by other humans because of hunting... So I took the runt, the only survivor... Named her Neva and trained her until we desired to leave the pack..."
"Wow... That's incredible! Raised by wolves?! She's a runt?! There has to be more to this than meets the eye! I know! I'll discuss it with Emmalyn!" Kiki exclaimed,
"Hmmmmmm... I wonder if maybe you have some sort of... No... It couldn't be... Could it?" Kiki seemed to start having an argument with herself...
"Oh! Sorry! I'm mumbling! Anyways I'm gonna go feed the hamsters... It was lovely meeting you, Y/N. I can tell you and I will become fast friends! Thanks for dropping by Lord Aphmau."
"No problem Kiki! Although we should get going since there is still so many people to meet!" We waved goodbye to Kiki before going off into the village to go and meet more people... And due to the Author being too lazy... Was exhausted after meeting everyone... Although I had kinda hoped that I'd see Laurence today...

It was getting late by the time Neva and I had finished meeting everyone... And I mean EVERYONE! Aphmau wouldn't stop until my name was known by every person that walked the streets and had a home! We walked back to the tree... Luckily Zoey, an elf that takes care of Aphmaus adoptive children , Levin and Malachi, made Neva and I some steak that she had cooked over at Aphmaus house... They had invited us in for dinner, although the two boys, one of them a ghost, kept on saying things like,
"Why did you live all alone?"
"Momma... The lady is stwaring at me..."

We lay down under the treetops before slowly drifting off into a deep sleep... I wonder... What was Kiki thinking about earlier? Strange...

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now