The brake-up part 2

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Sense I lost Harry and the baby I feel like there is nothing worth living for .Everyone that I cared about was gone .I was depressed every single day laying in bed not wanting to eat , take a shower , get changed .... nothing .Nobody new about the baby that it's gone except for Niall he tried taking care of me but I didn't want his help I wanted silence and loneliness.I felt like the whole world came crashing on my head I didn't  know what to do it has been 2 week sense everything bad has happened . I thoth that there wasn't other option except suicidal .I went to the kitchen and I grabbed a knife I wanted to cut my neck and bleed to death . I was crying , all the memories of me and Harry went trough my mind I smiled to them I really loved him with every part of my heart and with the thoth of losing him the memory of that night the night when me and Niall did what we did the night when Harry broke up with me broth the tears back this made me realise that I didn't deserve him that I didn't deserve life. I broth the knife close to my neck closing my eyes when someone took the knife away from me I opened my eyes shocked to see Harry standing in front of me tears streaming down his eyes until he finally hugged me and spoke " Don't ever do this please......" "Why are you here aren't you furious with me ?" -I asked confused "I-I came to take some of the stuff I left here but when I saw you doing this to yourself I realised that I truly love you with all my heart made me realise that I want to be with you and I don't care if you are pregnant  I love you and that is final" he finished and I looked at him with my red eyes "I -I lost the baby I'm not pregnant " I spoke braking inside "Oh my god are you ok ?" he asked wondering what the answer would be "Yes I am now that I have you back even though I don't deserve you" I answered realising that he came back to me he just smiled and we kissed with more passion than ever ..........................................................After 2 years of a happy relationship I was pregnant again but this time the father was the love of my love Harry Styles when he found out he changed my last name into Styles and now we are living happily with our one year old son Logan Styles .


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