Chapter Nine

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"Do we even know where we're going?" I ask Percy.

"It's your quest. Do you know where we're going?" he responds all sassy like, crossing his arms. I swear if he hadn't tried to kiss me, I would have assumed he was gay.

"Well I'm not the one who's been on a quest before," I reply, copying his motions and popping my hip out, "maybe you should help us out."

"Aren't you two the most helpful." Kelly says sarcastically while playing with her instrument bracelet.

"Should we go ask Vincent or something?" I offer, trying to have a plan before just rushing into somewhere I don't know what we're going to be up against. I learned that Vincent has studied a lot of quests and a lot of the old textbooks a while back.

"I am not talking to Vincent." Percy says quickly.

Kelly looks at me and rolls her eyes. Everyone at camp was quick to realize that the 'power couple' split, and Kelly was one of the first to find out. She thinks that Percy should get over himself, but I get that he can't accept that his girlfriend left him for someone she barely knew. At least not like she knew Percy.

"Well then what about the gods? Zeus? Artemis?" I ask.

"Yeah! What about Artemis?" Kelly asks.

"Twin telepathy." Percy says. "Brilliant"

"Okay. Well, how do we find her? I mean, not like we can walk up to Olympus." I say.

"Well, I know her Head Hunter, Thalia. And Artemis is always searching for new recruits. It should be easy." Percy explains.

"We could trick her into thinking that one of us is joining. Summon her maybe." Says Kelly.

A voice came from behind us, "It wouldn't work, you know."

We all whipped around to see a very pretty girl.

She had long brown hair with popping blue eyes. She wore ripped skinny jeans and a black shirt with a silver jacket over top. On her head, she had a silver band around her head, and a silver bow slung across her body.

"Who are you?" Kelly asked, drawing her sword.

I already had my bow out, ready for anything.

"My name is Grace Knight. I'm Artemis' Head Hunter." She says.

I put my bow away, she obviously wasn't a threat if she was a hunter.

Percy speaks slowly, "where's Thalia?"

"Oh. Thalia. Um, she is not here anymore. She resigned, I guess." Grace said.

"I thought you couldn't leave the Hunters unless you died in combat." Kelly points out.

"That's not true. You could leave, but only if it is your wish." Grace spoke.

"So Thalia left the Hunters?" Percy asks the girl.

Grace nods, "I am afraid so. She met a boy."

"I thought you had to swear off boys!" Kelly exclaims.

"Not if it is true love. Aphrodite herself paired these two." Grace says, smiling.

"So she's not in the Hunters anymore?" Percy asks again.

"Percy, how many times are you going to ask that question?" Kelly asks.

"Until I believe it."

"When will that be?" She asks again.


"Look, as much as I love this, do you want to see Artemis or not? We have a busy schedule." Grace says impatiently.

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