Dating "Rules"

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The meal was amazing. The herbs complimented each other in ways you couldn't imagine, and the shrimp I swear was the best I've ever tasted. If I wouldn't have felt like a pig doing it, I probably would have had six servings. Not only did it look and smell like something you would find at a really high end restaurant, it tasted like it too! Honestly, I could go on and on about how amazing the pasta was, and how fresh the salad was – like it was picked from the garden today – and how perfect the homemade bread was. I would have asked Jack for the recipe, but I doubt if I made it that it would taste even half as good as Jack's did. I'm just not a good enough cook for that, although I really can't blame myself for that. My foster families weren't exactly keen on doing much with me besides the basics so they'd get their money.

After we finished eating I helped Jack clear the table and put away the left overs. He kept insisting that I just let him do it because I was his guest, but I told him it was repayment for cleaning my apartment for me. He agreed after that, though I think it was more just because he knew he wasn't going to get me to stop. That's just kind of what I feel is right when you go to someone's house. I mean I get I'm the guest, but I would feel stupid just standing there watching him put everything away. I was raised to have better manners than that.

Once I've put the last of the left overs into the refrigerator I step over to the sink to dry the dishes that Jack is washing.

"Really, you don't have to do that." Jack says, rinsing the pan he'd used to cook out dinner in earlier.

I shrug. "Like I said, I don't like being idle. Plus it's just drying dishes. It's not exactly hard labor." I tell him teasingly.

"I know, I just feel bad."

"Seriously, don't. You stayed with me after I nearly cracked my head open, you cleaned my apartment, you bought me food, made me breakfast, and now you've invited me over here and made one of the most incredible dinners I've ever eaten. Putting some left overs away and drying a few dishes is the least I can do." I tell him as I finish drying the final dish and set it in the rack for Jack to put away later.

"One of the most incredible dinners ever?" he jests playfully, a smile pulling at his lips.

I give him a playful nudge with my shoulder, the wine I've had over dinner making me loosen up a bit. "Try not to let your ego get too big."

Jack's smile broadens "I think it's already too late for that" he says "This is twice you've complimented my cooking now, and I must say I'm quite enjoying it."

I roll my eyes in a playful manner, shaking my head. It's nice to see that Jack is a little more relaxed tonight than he was when we were at my apartment. He's more like he was the last time we had dinner. I'm pretty sure that's because of the wine though, because he's already told me relationships make him nervous, and he was drinking when we had dinner before too. I can't really blame him there though, because having a little liquid courage seems to be doing me pretty well too.

"You wanted to see the roof, right? Let's go up" Jack suggests, topping off his glass. "Do you want more before we go?"

I shake my head when Jack offers me more wine. I'm okay right now, but if I have any more then I'm liable to start acting stupid. I'd prefer to avoid that. "I'm just going to grab my coat." I tell him. I don't have shoes on either, but I doubt that'll be a problem. It's pretty cold out tonight, so the likelihood that we'll spend too long up there is slim.

"Trust me, you won't need a coat." Jack says, leading me not to the door in the dining room, but towards the stairs in the living room. I thought they went to his bedroom, but perhaps I was wrong.

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