Running into trouble (literally)

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I wonder what Charlies doing with Dorothy tonight. Maybe they won't be sucking each others faces so we can hang out.

All of the sudden I was on the ground. Two muscular arms distracted me from my thoughts as they helped me up. I was on my feet looking up at none other than Dean frickin Winchester, my crush since like forever basically.

"Castiel, right?" Dean asked shyly.

Why is he being shy, he's like the most loved guy in school. No, scratch that, in TOWN.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I was lost in thought. My next class is right down the hall. I should get going before I am late." I mumbled quickly, avoiding his beautiful green eyed gaze.

"You have that jackass Mr. Harris, don't you?"

"Yeah, sometimes I think he's off his meds." I say with a laugh.

Shut up with the jokes Cas, he's gonna think you're a dork.

"You're so cute when you blush Cas, wanna skip with me?"

He says the first part quietly, but I still hear him. My whole face has probably gone red now.

"Umm... Yeah, sure! Where do we go, though? And won't we be caught?"

"Nah, we might go to the diner down the road from my place. The pie is awesome there!"

He sounds excited, maybe he's interested! Nevermind, shut up brain!

"Sounds good, lets go!"

------------------------------------------------------Truth or Dare----------------------------------------------------------------

"She's beautiful!" I say while admiring the car.

"1967 Chrevolet Impala, my baby." He grins.

"All yours?"

"Dad gave her to me two years ago"

I put on my seat belt as he starts the engine and pulls out of the school parking lot. It takes all of 5 minutes to get to the diner. It looked really cozy, like an old house but with bar doors and a huge sign that read "The Roadhouse".

"You come here often?" I say, not realizing the horrible pick up line.

"Chatting me up already? We haven't even walked in yet!"

I laugh more of a nervous chuckle. My cheeks heat up. I know I must be red as a tomato right now.

"Dean, nice of you to join the family again!" I hear as we walk in.

The sentence comes from a short blond girl who hugs Dean before turning to me.

"And who might this cutie be?"

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