1. Ghosts from the past

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No! This couldn't be true! Fred couldn't be dead. She fell down next to his body and felt the hot tears running down her cheeks. Why?! Why him?! Her hands searched for his and she tried to find a heartbeat. There wasn't one. He was really dead. The dizziness started to fill her head when she jumped up. She couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it! She almost fell again but Ginny caught her and falling into each other's arms, they started to cry.


Riiiiiiing. Riiiing.

She groaned as she tried to reach for her alarm. Why did she even set an alarm? It was a Saturday after all. She groaned once more when she couldn't find it, and pushed over a stack of books. Oh, that probably meant she wasn't in her bed. Trying to get the sleep out of her head, she opened her eyes and saw she had slept in, once again, at the kitchen table.

"Mione! Can you please open the door?" She heard the familiar voice of Ginny call out from outside her apartment, ringing the doorbell once again.

So she hadn't set her alarm! A bit groggy from the sleep, she walked towards the door. A quick glance at her clock told her it was only 7 am. What was she doing there so early? She only fell asleep two hours ago. Opening the door, she pulled her Weasley sweater a bit tighter around herself.

"Gin, it's only 7 in the morning! What do you – " She stopped her train of words when she spotted Angelina standing next to her. To find one of the former quidditch players at her place in the morning was strange, but to see two of them was alarming. "What's going on? Everything alright with Harry and George?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing too bad happened." Ginny tried to set her at ease. "Can we come in?'

"Of course, sorry! Come in! can I give you something to drink? Tea maybe?" she rambled, quickly cleaning her table with a swift flick of her wand.

"Did we wake you up?" Angelina asked worried.

"It doesn't matter." She said, shrugging her shoulders. Putting some water on the stove, she gestured for the girls to sit down. "So, what can I do for the two of you on this early morning?" she asked, holding back a yawn. Ever since the war, sleep was a rare thing. Two hours being the longest she could go without nightmares.

"I'm worried about George." Angelina told her straight to the point. She frowned, everyone was worried about George. It had only been a month since he had lost Fred, and no one except Angelina had seen him anymore.

"I see..." Hermione muttered, encouraging the girl to go on with her story.

"After the battle, he left the body of Fred, totally in shock. You know we have been looking for him over an hour."

She nodded, remembering that. Everyone had been crying at Fred's body and suddenly George had left, wandering of in the castle. Angelina had gone after him, but lost him in the crowd. So she had called out for the others to help her out, in the end it being Angelina who found him.

"You found him crying." The brunette said.

"Yeah. But what she didn't tell us was where she found him." Ginny said softly, almost in tears again.

"I found him in front of a mirror, Mione." Angelina said softly. A bad feeling crept over her. There was only one mirror I knew was dangerous for people. "The Mirror of Erised." She said, confirming her suspicions.

"He doesn't want to leave the mirror anymore." Hermione mumbled. "Doesn't eat or drink anymore and you probably are afraid he will die or erase from the world. I know what this mirror is." She said, lost in thoughts. The whistling of the water brought her back to the present and she stood up to make them some tea. "But why come to me? I don't see how I could be of any use." She muttered defeated.

"You're the brightest witch I know Mione. You have to have some ideas of how you could help us." Angelina begged.

"What are these books?" Ginny said out of nowhere. "Are you trying to come up with a spell to bring someone back out the dead?" Ginny asked hopefully, only a glint of fear present in her voice.

"See. You can help us!" Angelina exclaimed loudly.

The brunette put the tea on the table and sighed.

"I wish it was so easy. Listen. I as well have been worrying about George. I am not as funny as Ron or Harry, and I can't cheer him up with hugs or anything. The only thing I am really good in is using my brain. So that's what I did. The thing is, I didn't find much." She mumbled, looking at her notes, spread over the table. What she said was true. She was working on something to bring Fred back from the dead. He died too soon. When she had seen his body, something had died in her as well. She couldn't sleep anymore and once George stopped showing up, the worries started as well. It was actually Harry who had brought up the idea. Ron had been asking where he had left the resurrection stone and Harry had mumbled something about the forest and not wanting to be the master of dead. That was when the idea had struck her to try and bring Fred back. "I went to the forest and went looking for the stone." She explained to the girls. "I couldn't find it." She sighed. "Without the stone, my plan doesn't work. I have to use it to show me the ghost of Fred."

"You mean that you need to see him before this spell works?" Ginny asked curious. The hope that we could bring her brother back to life had lit up her day. She didn't want to ruin it but that was exactly what she meant, so she nodded. "But George sees Fred in the mirror all the time." She cried out in joy. "We don't need the stone, only the mirror."

Both Angelina and Ginny looked at her with big eyes while she tried to proceed what they told her. That actually could work. If she fixed the spell a bit she could actually make that happen. Not seeing Fred was the biggest problem in her plan.

"It could work." She mumbled. Throwing some papers on the ground while searching for another, empty parchment she wrote some thoughts down. "The only hard part will be that I have to see through George eyes so I can see Fred as well." She mumbled. "Adjusting the legilimence should be enough to make that happen." She forgot the two witches who were in her apartment as she started working on the spells to make it happen.

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