Chapter 3

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Eunha's POV


I ran my fingers against the bandage wrapping and sighed loudly. I slammed my body on my bed just groaning about life. It been like eight hours without my phone and my life kinda just felt empty with out it, no notifications, no calls not anything. This was sad how I evolve my life just around my phone.

"My life sucks." I cried out loud, I knew my mom was home but honestly right now I didn't care because I just want to scream out about everything that's going wrong in my life right now. Minus the fact that I met someone really nice and sweet today, Wei. It's such an easy name to say and roll off my tongue. I liked it a lot, I slightly smiled a bit while scratching my head this was so frustrating.

And you know what was even worse? That Kisu is still on my mind and I just can't get him off my head. I loved that ass, for three mother trucking years and now I guess I'm expected to just forget about him now. Hurts yeah I know.

"Eunha! Get the door please!" My mother called, I raised my eyebrow I didn't hear the doorbell or knocking. I lazily stood up and dragged my feet around the house and scrunched my nose before twisting the door handle and speak of the devil.

"Get out." I said clearly while slamming the door in that ass's face I don't care if he gets hurt, I don't wanna see Kisu's face at my door again. His foot stubbed the door while he peeked his face out of the little crack he made. I was about the freaking stab his eyes with chopsticks if he doesn't remove his foot from me slamming the door in his stupid, cute face.

"Eunha please just give me a chance to talk . . . " My heart burned to say yes but then my head was just screaming at me endlessly to just say no and consider that chopstick thing.

"What's there to freaking talk about Kisu?!" I yelled while using my all of my body strength to push the door and just squash his foot. Of course my mother was watching from the kitchen and just ignoring the fact that this guy is annoying the hell out of me and I just need him to go away.

"Eunha stop, listen to me." Before I knew it he pushed the door out doing my strength, my very little strength. I closed my eyes trying not to stare into his stupid eyes, he ran his fingers through his brown hair while trying to grab my hand but I flinched away. I was about to just grab this coat hanger and stab him with it in the gut. Don't get me wrong, I'll do it.

"Okay first of all, I'm sorr-"

"BULL SHIT KISU. NOW GET OUT!" I yelled on the top of my lungs making sure he heard clearly not mistaking me. I pushed him out the door while he just tried to explain himself in the amount of one he got my dear attention. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear before meeting his eyes outside the door.

"Don't even bother to come here again okay?" I smiled sweetly before slamming the door in his face, I'm pretty sure I made the whole apartment shake from it. I felt my heart racing so quickly, you know I just want to have my phone and all my electronic and hide in my room for the rest of my high school years. Can I do that? I wondered while rubbing my chin.

I heard the ringing of the doorbell ring, and I swear Kisu needs to leave me alone before I literally call the cops on him. What's he gonna say to me anyway? Sorry? Well surely he didn't know me enough that I wouldn't freaking believe that for one second. I reacted quickly while putting on the nearby heels I had next to the door. I groaned loudly while grabbing ahold of the doorknob, I was about to scissor this guy's eyes.

When I opened the door I plunged my heel into Kisu's foot. And what I wasn't hearing was a girly screech? I looked up stupidly seeing the poor guy Wei stand there hugging his foot and jumping around wincing. I covered my mouth, my god I didn't think it was him. I mean it hadn't been long since I slammed the door in Kisu's face so I just assumed that it would be him again.

Oh my god Eunha your so stupid. "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY WEI."

"N-No it's honestly fine E-Eunha." He stuttered while leaning his head back in pain. I helped the guy in leading us both into my room and kicking off the red heels from my feet, well never wearing those again in my life. I let him sit on my bed while he clutched his foot. I didn't know what to do so I just kinda stood in front of him.

Sigh he was so pretty. His dark hair was messily up, and he had milky white skin that I was honestly freaking jealous of. It's ridiculous but I just wanted his skin how is it so perfect?

"So um. Why are you here and I'm sorry I kinda well stabbed my heel into your foot." He smiled while just shaking his head about it, it's like he just totally forgot about the idea of it and brushed it off his shoulders that quickly. I forgot I gave the guy my address in case he wanted to see me again. Considering he still had my phone.

"Honestly my foot has never felt so . . . Um refreshed I guess?" He chuckled while running his fingers through his hair. I giggled while tangling my hands behind my back, what was he here for though it hadn't been long since I saw him this noon.

"Oh uh." He caught my attention again once he shuffled in his jacket for awhile and pulled out a shiny piece of metal dangling from his hands. I squealed loudly while he held it out for me to take, my phone was back with me again. And this time with a shiny and no crack or scratched phone screen. I jumped up and down while smiling like crazy. Did he fix it for me? I ran my fingers over the screen smiling like a idiot in front of him. I looked up at him seeing him smile at me but then soon just cleared the smile with a little fake cough.

"I figured to get it repaired as fast as I could for you." His awkward voice cracked while he stood up shoving his hands in his pockets, I smiled and wrapped my hands around his arms hugging him in excitement. I've never felt so happy in my life. It was nice how he got it repaired for me, I was really thankful for that. This guy is just naturally nice in my opinion. Wei.

"Thank you so much! Um how much do I owe you?" I asked nervously while leading him into the hallway. He shrugged his shoulder while we stood outside the my door.

"Uh you don't really have too."

"No I want too, how much?"

"Um actually I have something in mind other than money maybe?" He said nervously and shoved his hands in his pockets again. He smiled nervously while looking at me in the eyes. I tilted my head in confusion.

"How about a . . .  date?" He said while squinting his eyes. I was shocked, my eyes widened while he shook his head and laughed awkwardly while he kept on turning around and just nervously doing weird things.

"Sorry that was too soon, I'll just go." He said while trying to head out the door.

"U-Uh wait no! Yeah how about a date?" I said while Wei's face lit up a little bit into a small cheeky smile. My face got pick real fast while he kept on walking out the door into the hallway.

"Uh yeah! Um how about I pick you up around noon tomorrow here?"

"Sounds good!"

"See you tomorrow! AT NOON!"

"At noon!" I yelled at him while he waved from the end of the hallway, he ran into the elevated not pat attention where he was going, from waving at me this kid was too awkward and cute.


Short chapter for you all!

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