Our little boy is growing up!

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I shot out of bed and threw some leggings on when I ran outside June was in the ground and a tree was on fire.

Peter came running out of the woods with a group of lost boys, they must've been training.

"What happened, why is he on the ground?" Cried out Ethan, that's June's best friend here on the island, they're the same age, he has blue eyes and blonde hair that came over his eyes a bit, he's about the same height as Jude, 5'3.

"He's fine Ethan, his powers are just coming in." I assured him,

"Okay boys help him up, Ethan, and I will help him into his tent!" I screamed

They all helped him up and I put him on my back. Ethan held open the tent shade so I could walk in, I pit him on the bed and gave Ethan orders.

"Ethan go tell Pan to get a special training ground set up on one side of the island. Then send Pan in here when you come back, I'll need both of you to get through this." I ordered, he ran out and I could hear multiple footsteps fade out in the background.

Ethan and Pan soon came rushing in by my side.

"Is he okay?" Ethan asked once again.

"Yes, Ethan I'll need luke warm water, Peter help me look for something." They both hurried to their jobs.

"What exactly are we looking for again?" Peter asked.

"A music box, it has a picture of me and Jude in it, it plays a song that calms us, we need to get him calm so we can find out..." I trailed off as I looked at a beautifully crafted music box with little humming birds and flowers, it's my family's insignia.

Everyone in my family had a birthmark that looked somewhat like humming bird and flowers. I have 6.

They're all small I have one on each big toe, one on my left heel, one on my right ankle, one on my right elbow and one on my left knee.

I don't know why I gave so many, Jude has one medium sized one on his back.

"Did you find it?" Peter asked as he came to my side.

"Uh...yea, I did, it's beautiful, my mother gave it to me the first time my powers came in. It has the strength of the most important spirit animal to my family, from generations back and back and back."

"What are they, love?"

"Uh...hummingbird, Lion, moon, Tiger, and an angel. Everyone of us represent one of them, but there was always one that represents all because they have too many traits of all of them."

"What do we do with it now?"

"I'm sorry but is Peter Pan clueless about something that has magic involved?" I joked Peter just scoffed at me and took the box from my hand.

He then continued to use his powers on it, an emerald green glow coming from the box then began to sing a song. It sounds very similar to me but it isn't, it's my great great great grandmother's. Our family goes all the way back to the age of King Arthur. Many of my family used to believe that I was the next to be in line, then my brother then so on and so forth.

Jude began calming down a bit, just as Ethan came back with my water, I guess he got the idea of what u was to do and got a wash cloth as well. I soaked the fabric with water, ringing it out over a medium sized wooden pale. I gently folded it into a rectangle and layer it onto my little brother's forehead.

"Look guys-" they looked at Jude as I pointed at him, "our little boy is growing up."

I felt all giddy, I always did treat Jude like a baby, but that's because no one knows what we went through. Not even the one who changed us, not even Peter Pan himself.

Hey guys sorry this is sorta bullshit and janky but this is just a filler, cause I haven't updated in a while. And I was wondering if you guys could do me a favor and share my books with others, and tell them when they read comment "Hey lovely" because then I'll know it was from this.

You guys should also read my other books, and I have been wanting to do something nice so if you guys want a chapter dedicated to you, private message me, and I'll dedicate a chapter to you.

So let's leave with a quote (cause I'm cheesy like that."

~ some infinities are bigger than others, maybe yours is just bigger than mine.

bye lovelies

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