FUZZY!- Zane

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Anyways, on with the story!

"Its one of those nights?" you smiled sleepily as zane poked his head in the room, his blanket draped over his shoulders. As he shuffled over to your bed, your eyes never left his, and he finally slid in, enveloping you in his warmth. He softly kissed you, taking his hand and stroked your hair. His lips made their way around your neck, holding your face to keep direct eyecontact with you. You smiled as he pressed his nose against yours, and gave you one last kiss before whispering an "I love you," befire closing his eyes. You smiled as you let your face get buried in his chest, drifting off to sleep...

I feeel this was a little shirt but still, its something! Anyways, ill see you in the next chapter!

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