Chapter 43

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The very first thing I did when Perrie and I came back to my flat, making sure that Harry's mother didn't follow us, was to call Annecka, our manager and tell her that I want our security now.

I told her that somebody was following us, but I didn't tell her that I knew who it was. I didn't even tell that to Perrie. Annecka agreed to send our security back, even though we were practically on a holiday and so were they.

My mind was racing, jumping to conclusions, panicking, all at once. Anne, Harry's mother, once went to Little Mix concert on purpose just so she can see me, because Harry wasn't allowing her to meet me. She was just as bad as Gemma was, if not worse.

But, more importantly – why was she following me and Perrie? Was she intending to hurt us? What did she want from me? I was no longer a part of her son's life. She must have known that. Our break-up was on the cover of every magazine in UK and wider.

I didn't know whether I should tell Harry about this. How would he believe me, in the first place? I have never seen his mother in person.

But, there was no chance that I was wrong. It had to be Anne Cox. Her eyes were exactly like Harry's and Gemma's. No one else has the same eyes as them. Plus, she did have some of Harry's features. And just like Gemma and Harry, she was really good looking.

Why was his family so damn psychotic and full of stalkers? I don't even know how he turned out to be normal.

All excitement for my party tonight literally just evaporated. How am I supposed to think about partying and dress and other bizarre things, when my ex-boyfriend's mother is following me around?

"Jadie? Are you alright?" Perrie appeared out of nowhere, reminding me that she was still here in my flat.

I have to pull myself together and stop freaking out in front of her. None of the girls know the story about his family and I wanted to keep it that way. Just because Harry and I broke up, doesn't mean I will forget about the promises that I gave him. His past must remain a secret.

"Ofcourse I am, doll. Look, I'm sorry to kick you out, but can you possibly leave me all by myself? I have a horrible migraine." I lied.

"Oh, you poor thing. Sure, I'm going to leave, so you can rest for your birthday party tonight." she said, kissing the top of my head and after saying goodbye, leaving.

When she finally left, I grabbed my phone and called Harry.

He didn't answer, so I left him a message in which I said that he needs to call me immediately. It was so unlike him – to not answer to my call. He used to joke when we were together, saying how he would always answer my call, even if he was hanging from a tree.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

That woman was scaring the shit out of me. I had a bad feeling whenever she would pop up in my head and I was sure she wasn't following me around just because.

Alright, I'm going to stop freaking out and wait until Harry calls me and then I'll deicde what I'm going to do. It's easier to breathe when you have a plan.

5 hours later, Leigh-Anne arrived with my dress and Harry still hadn't returned my call. That was definitely something Harry Styles would do. Like I wasn't worried enough, I was now worrying about Harry, too. Something must have happened to him. I can feel it in my bones.

However, Leigh-Anne Insightful Pinnock was here and I had to act like nothing was wrong, even though I wanted to scream at somebody from all the nervousness that I was dealing with.

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