12| ''That's Daniel?''

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A/N: Picture of the crystal necklace in the media (although it's not purple).

I lay still, my heart beating like a hummingbird as I tried to analyse the situation.

Who was I lying with? Jett.

Why was I lying with him? Because he pulled me into his arms.

Why am I letting him do this?

At the last question I started struggling, ready to flip off the bed but instead another arm was curled around my waist and I was sucked further into the cocoon of warmth.

Though I had not taken Jett's shirt off when I tucked him into bed, it damn well felt like it. It was as if I was extra sensitive towards the muscled chest that was pushed up against my back. His strong arms wrapped around my waist and under my neck and whenever I squirmed, he grunted and pulled me closer.

It was when I took another chance at escaping that a heavy leg was suddenly crossed over mine and I was caged in.

From the small mirror set up on his night stand I could see my eyes wide and scared - confused and yet my face was blushing tomato red.

'Jett,' I hissed, squirming and the man groaned, clutching me tighter, 'Jett, I can't breathe'.

'Bambi,' he whispered suddenly, his breath tickling my ear and I shivered, turning slightly to look at him I felt my breath caught up in my throat.

I knew Jett was handsome but from this close he looked like the most beautiful thing alive. Long dark eyelashes spilled shadows over his high cheekbones and his lips were opened just slightly as he whispered my nickname and snuggled his nose deeper into my neck.

I lay still, so stiff I could feel my muscles cramping before I looked up at him once more and studied his face.

It was only when he started twitching, and his eyes slid open that I felt my breathing stop again. I was fully aware of my heartbeat drumming against his wrist and he stared at me for a moment. The most transfixing grey eyes freezing me to the spot before he frowned and with a sudden kick, sent me flying off his bed.


I groaned, sitting up on his hardwood floor and rubbed my head before glaring up at him, 'What the hell was that for?'

'Shouldn't I be asking you that question?' he growled back, sitting up as he put two fingers to his right temple, 'What the fück are you doing in my bed anyway?'

I spluttered, my mouth opening and closing like a fish, 'I-I- You-... YOU!'

Jett growled at me, his eyes narrowing into a glare, 'Stop shouting, I have a freaking headache. What's wrong with you, woman?'

I spluttered again, flabbergasted by the situation before I stood up slowly, 'Can't even deal with you right now'.

The man frowned, 'You weren't the one getting raped in your sleep'.

'As if!' I shouted, my face flushing a furious red as I started stomping towards the door.

Of course, my clumsiness was ever present and I found myself stepping on something and I slipped; hitting the floor with a loud smack for the second time that day. I curled up in a ball, groaning, until the pain passed and tried to ignore the stupid chuckle that was emanating from the bed.

'I'm never going to help you again!' I shouted as I sat up, noticing the thing I had slipped upon.

It seemed to be a photograph and I picked it up, flipping it over.

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