23 Things To Do While at the Zoo

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1. Pose in various pictures with multiple animals.

2. Randomly start screaming at your imaginary friend to "stop climbing on the animals."

3. Imitate the animals by making the same noises they make.

4. If your with your friends, point to an animal and say, "(Friend's name), doesn't that look like you?!"

5. Push up against the glass.

6. Buy a bag of peanuts and eat the entire thing in front of the elephants with an intense face.

7. Ask a zoo keeper random questions about the animals. Ex. "Where did you find and capture this/these animal(s)?"

8. Yell at your imaginary friend, "Get off of that animal!"

9. Say "Hi" to random people the way animals would.

10. Go to a random animal, push yourself up against the glass, and whisper, "I want to have your babies."

11. Pretend to gossip with an animal

12. Pretend to have a conversation with an animal

13. If an exibit has more than one animal, and they are interacting with each other (ex. sniffing each other's behinds or following the other(s) around) stand there, staring at them, confused.

 14. Introduce your imaginary friend to the animals.

15. If possible, feed the animals with food from a feeder.

16. Take pictures of the animals, then show your family/friends and say, "Doesn't (imaginary frined) look absolutely fabulous?!"

17. If there is an animal running around or trying to climb a tree, say very loudly, "Work it girl!" even if it's a male.

18. Stand and stare at an animal for a long period of time.

19. Attempt to hit on an animal. (ex. "Hey, are you a tiger? Cuz you seem to be the cat's meow.")

20. When you're near the apes/monkeys, yell, "GREAT-AUNT TOM IS THAT YOU?!"

21. If you just happen to run into a friend at the zoo, say, "(name of friend)! I thought I saw you in the monkey exibit!"

22. When you're leaving, say, "GOODBYE! I LOVE YOU!" to any animals you pass on the way to the exit.

23. If you see a wild bird in an exibit (ex. a robin with elephants) yell, "HEY! YOU'RE IN THE WRONG PLACE!!!"

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