Chapter 13 - Encounters

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You woke up with Bunny curled around you, and you snuggled up against him. It was as if he had been protecting you from something. When you shifted, he opened his eyes, then smiled down at you.

"Morning, little mate," he murmured. Then he stretched, taking his body away from yours. Immediately you were cold, and you bundled yourself tighter in blankets.

"Can we go to North's workshop later?" you asked.

"Of course," he replied, sitting up. He rubbed his eyes. "Did you sleep well?"

You nodded. "Did you carry me in here?"

"Yes," he replied as he ran his paws over his ears. You wondered what he had looked like as a human. He shook his head. "You wanna leave in the morning or afternoon?"

"Whenever," you said.


At the North Pole, North greeted you happily. "(Y/N)! Bunny! How are the both of you?"

"We're good," Bunny said.

"Feeling better," you added.

North smiled. "Come on. I have some things you might be able to help me with."

He led you through the many twists and turns of the pole and to a part of the workshop that you hadn't seen yet. As you walked, Bunny seemed annoyed. Maybe a little jealous. You couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of the place.

You stepped in to where all of the elves were gathered.

North began explaining while you watched the elves jump around. "The elves are sent to people who order them. They come and report back to me each night and hide before the children wake up. We give them miniature snow globes to transport themselves."

"Whoa," you said, looking around. "So... they're the elves on the shelves."

"You catch on quick, (Y/N)," he said with a smile.

After examining them for a moment, wondering how they could possibly understand their missions with the small brains they had, you asked, "Is... Cupid here? I think I should apologize."

North didn't say anything. He looked over his shoulder, where Jack was walking in, his head down. He was almost dragging his staff. Something was wrong.

"Actually... We haven't seen Cupid in a while," Jack said.

"Wait, why didn't ya tell me?" Bunny asked.

"We thought she would show up," Jack said. "Besides, you were... Busy."

Bunny glared at him. "Jack Frost, don't."

Jack just smirked.

North interrupted. "Jack, Bunny. Do not argue. We think that Cupid is in trouble."

"Is she or is she not?" you demanded. Then you turned to Bunny and Jack. "And what're you guys talking about?"

Bunny sighed. "Nothin', little mate. Let's focus."

"We don't know anything yet," Jack protested.

"Or do you."

You spun around. A dark figure stood by North's control panel. He held something in his hand, but what was it?

"Pitch," North growled.

"Get behind me, little mate," Bunny said, staring at the shadowy man across the way.

The man was suddenly by your side. He grinned down at you; his teeth were pointed. "Oh, Bunny, you have another special mortal? Let's hope this one lasts longer than Sophie did."

"Pitch, stop," Jack said flatly.

North swung a sword at the shadow man - Pitch. He ducked to the side and smiled lightly.

"You really need to get better aim, old man."

You looked closer at what Pitch held, and you realized it was a body. Cupid's body. He had it trapped in some kind of case, one made of shadow. Was she dead?

"What are you?" you asked suddenly, tearing your eyes from Cupid. Bunny put a paw on your shoulder.

"Oh, they haven't told you yet, (Y/N)?" he asked quietly. "How rude."

"Told me... What?"

Bunny whispered, "(Y/N), you need to go."

He chuckled, and then you were torn from Bunny's side. You screamed as you were slammed onto the tiled ground of the workshop. The wind was knocked out of you. You gasped for air and you tried to sit up, but you were pushed back onto the ground.

"Careful, (Y/N). Don't want to end up like Cupid here, do you?"

The body, still encased in shadow, was laid next to you and Pitch turned around, facing the Guardians. He held them off with walls of shadows, keeping them all from getting near you. You could see them growing stronger and more powerful with each attempt to take them down, which was weakening the Guardians in turn.

You felt weak, too, and every muscle in your body was incredibly sore. You watched Pitch stare down at the struggling Guardians with a grim smile on his face. Anger raged inside of you. Who was this guy, and what was he doing to them?

With all the strength you could muster, you pushed yourself up and started towards Pitch. He didn't see you. You leapt into the air and landed against him. He yelled and was caught off balance. You pushed him off the edge of the balcony, but he turned and grabbed your arm, pulling you with him. He smiled lightly as he floated down. You searched for some kind of handhold, but found none.

As you neared the ground, Pitch's face stretched in surprise. Bunny flew into you and knocked you onto the nearest balcony while Pitch kept falling. You landed on your shoulder and Bunny tumbled over you, then landed sprawled out across the tile. He sat up and rubbed his head.

You crawled to the edge of the balcony and saw a black pool, which was shrinking as the seconds ticked by. Then you turned back to Bunny. He was running his paws over his ears. You lunged for him, then wrapped your arms around him.

"That wasn't how I wanted to die."

He hugged you back tightly. "I know."

North came running, and Jack flew up to where Cupid had laid.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" North asked, offering you a hand.

"I'm fine, I think," you replied, separating from Bunny and standing.

The workshop suddenly boomed with laughter. "You are crazy. But very brave."

You smiled weakly. "I just wanted to help."

"And that's what makes you a Guardian," North said quietly, sincere but still smiling.

Jack flew down and landed next to North, his shoulders slumped. "Cupid's gone."

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