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Hehe, Draco's pint of view again

I scowled at the bathroom mirror and watched as the weaselette scowled back. Whoever slipped the polyjuice potion to me was going to be hexed to their grave. I pulled at the long ginger hair and groaned for the umpteenth time.
"What are you doing, Weaselette?" A voice sneered. I looked to the doorway to see Pansy, her hands planted firmly on her hips.
"Spill Pansy, who slipped me the polyjuice potion." I growled.
Pansy's eyes lit up. "Oh, Draco." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bathroom. "Blaise is getting the real Weaselette and you're going to spend the night in the Gryffindork's common room."
"Pansy, I look and sound like Potter's girlfriend."
"And? Don't worry, you'll survive. Now hurry up and get to the common room."
She shoved me forwards and ran off. I started to make my way up the stairs when someone called out to me.
"Hey Ginny!"
Only just remembering that I was Ginny I spun around and saw the Weasel and Granger running towards me.
"Uh, hi Ron, hi Hermione." I responded, the voice sounding completely alien to me.
"What're ya doing outside the common room?" Weasel asked.
"None of you're business." I said hautily. He shrugged and I followed him up to the Gryffindor commen room and sat down on the couch in front of the fire.
"Oh Ginny, you're back." I heard Potter's voice call. I look up at the stairway and smiled at him like I'd seen the Weaselette do. "Ron, 'Mione, I've gotta talk to Ginny privately. Do you mind?"
"Not at all mate." Weasel said, patting his shoulder as he walked past him.
I sat on the couch silently and watched Potter descend the stairs, my palms getting sweaty with worry. Potter sat down and looked at me over his glasses.
"I-I really don't know how to put this." He began quietly.
"You can just tell me, I'll understand." I said, hoping his real girlfriend said similar things.
"Well, you see, I think I might...love someone else."
I tried to look downcast, but I was curious. Harry Potter loved someone besides his girlfriend?
"What I mean is," he continued. "I don't think I'm exactly...straight."
I looked up at him in genuine shock.
"Please don't hate me."
"Harry I'd never hate you," I said, the name and voice feeling unfamiliar on my tongue once again. "I'm happy for you. Who do you like?"
Potter smiled. "I'm glad you understand. And, um, I...really can't say who I like."
"Why not? I want to know who the lucky guy is." I gave his shoulder a nudge with my hand and smiled.
"Well, it's...it's Malfoy!" He quickly blurted out. I sat in pure shock. Me? Harry Potter was dumping the Weaselette for me?
I tried my best to smile without looking in pain. "Well it's about time you realised." I said smugly. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"All you do is talk about him, and you always manage to see him. Not to mention you always argue which obviously means you two are...meant...for...each other." I slowed down my words as I realised what I was saying. It was true, we did end up seeing each other everyday and put all else aside just to argue. Potter breathed a laugh.
"Yeah well, I doubt he feels the same way."
I sat thinking, did I feel the same way? People always said there was a fine line between love and hate, had we crossed it? Was I ready to cross it?
"Well, you never know unless you ask."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I'm not going to ask Draco Malfoy out." He stood up from the couch and held his hand out to me. I took it shakily and he helped me up. "Are you alright?" He asked once I was on my feet. My palms got sweaty again.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I let out a fake yawn and stretched. "I'm just a little tired." Potter seemed to buy it and nodded.
"Okay, thank you for understanding." He climbed up the stairs and disappeared into his room. I stood in the firelight, wondering what to do. The polyjuice potion would probably wear out by morning, meaning I'd have to sneak out. But I'm the weasel's sister, so it would be impossible. I heard a door open and close and Granger hurried down the stairs. "Time for you to go to your own common room." She said, handing me a vial.
"How did you-"
"I brewed the potion, you think a Slytherin would be able to get Ginny's hair?" She dragged me out of the common room and I drank the contents of the vial, which promptly made me return to my true form. I left Granger by the Gryffindor portrait and walked back to the Slytherin common room.


I woke up and thought about last nights talk I had with Potter. I knew he'd never approach me on his own, so I guess I'd have to do it. I got dressed into my robes and made my way down to the great hall and watched Potter seat himself at the Gryffindor table. I sat at my own seat and ate my breakfast. It was a Saturday and there were no Hogsmeade trips, which meant I'd be able to catch up with the golden boy. As everyone started leaving, I made a beeline towards Potter and pulled him aside. "Malfoy, what are you doing?" I stood facing him, hidden from everyone by a suit of armour. "Anything you want to tell me Potter?" I asked, putting my hand on the bit of wall above his shoulder.
"I have nothing I want to say to you, now get out of my way."
"Nothing? No snide remarks? no insults?...no confessions?"
Potter looked straight at me, fear obvious in his eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about a discussion you had last night."
"One you had with your girlfriend."
"How do you know about that?" He said, fear creeping into his voice.
"You weren't telling her, you were telling me." His eyes widened and he buried his head in his hands. His shoulders shook slightly and I took his chin in my hand, moving his hands away with the other. His eyes were watery and tears had already started to slide down his cheeks.
"What did I tell you last night." He frowned a little and started mumbling, recalling our conversation.
"Meant for each other." He whispered.
I nodded. "There is a fine line between love and hate," I leant closer to him. "And I think we've crossed it." I pressed my lips to his for a brief few seconds before standing back. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off my cheers. I turned around to see Pansy, Blaise, Weasel and Granger cheering. I smiled a little and felt Harry move to in front of me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me again.

Okay, so this took a bit. I had so much fun writing this and I think it turned out well. I hope you enjoy reading it.
Jana out.

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