How he wakes you up

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Kai: Kai wakes you up by softly tracing patterns up and down your arm. He smiles to himself as you begin to wake up and you'll look up at him and smile back.

Jay: Jay plays with your hair while you're asleep, sometimes playfully tugging on it, tickling you with it or twirling it around his finger. When you finally wake up, he places a kiss on your nose.

Zane: Zane sneaks out of the room and brings you breakfast while you sleep. He'll bend down and kiss you on the cheek, setting the food on the bedside table as you begin to stir in your sleep.

Cole: Cole wakes you up by placing delicate kisses all over you. He makes sure to kiss the sensitive spot behind your ear which makes you smile in your sleep.

Lloyd: Lloyd wakes you up by softly singing to you. He'll gently brush the hair out of your face and place a kiss on your forehead.

OK so two things...

1: I'm working on a new fanfic (Ninjago of course) and it'll be science fiction. but! I'd like you guys to vote for something. In the story, all the bad guys(and side characters) will either be werewolves or vampires, so you guys will vote whether you want the skeletons to the wolves or vamps or the serpentine to be wolves or vamps. Same with side characters like Cryptor or Kozu. Bad guys only!

2: I'm the thinking about rewriting In The Closet which was my Cole X reader, so don't quote me on that but it is a possibility. I wanna start writing fanfiction again even though I will still write teen fiction.

I love you guys. Thanks for reading and voting. Bye!

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