Expecto Patronum

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Hermione walked down the corridor of the department of mysteries with a white otter playing at her feet. They'd been advised to conjure their patronus' before the arrived in the courtroom, as Ron had been kept in a holding cell in Azkaban.

Draco was walking with her, hand in hand. Draco had been questioned himself in the room they were about to enter.


"Please bring in Mr. Ronald Bilius Weasley," Kingsley ordered.

Ron was dragged in by two dementors. They were followed by Harry and his stag. He was carelessy thrown into the chair in the centre of the chamber. They chains wrapped themselves around his wrist tightly. The dementors flew up to join the others circling above.

"You are here to questioned about the events that occurred concerning Miss. Hermione Granger-" the minister started.


  "You are here to questioned about the events that occurred concerning Miss. Hermione Granger, do you deny using the Cruciatous Curse on he several times?"


"Do deny your intentions were to kill her?"

"Yes I deny that. I never wanted to kill anyone, if I meant to kill her she'd be dead. I just wanted to knock some sense back into her, she should be with me not that insufferable git Malfoy," Ron scanned the crowd of jury members and spectators. His eyes stopped on Hermione and Draco, he strained against his chains he gritted his teeth at the sight of them together.

"We will now vote, green sparks for setting him free, red for sending him to Azkaban, black for the dementors kiss."

There were no green sparks.
Majority rules. 

"Mr. Ronald Bilious Weasley you are hereby sentenced to 15 years in Azkaban."



Hermione sat, with Draco's arm round her back, at a muggle café hands wrapped around a hot chocolate. She was still shaking from the trial. Draco understood why she'd wanted to go into muggle London. Reporters would be looking all the magic world for her.

"We can't stay here forever, come on," Hermione stated getting her jacket from behind he seat and pulling Draco up. She dropped a few muggle coins on counter before dragging Draco out into the street. Hermione steered them into a side alley and disappeared leaving a loud pop and small trail of smoke.

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