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After the whole incident the night before, Crystal's nerves were definitely at their peak. However, knowing that the Alpha didn't march in to Beacon Hills High School parking lot and terrorize people, and knowing that the Sheriff's injuring were only minor, was enough to make the brunette feel a little better. As soon as Crystal and Stiles got to the school the night prior, they immediately went looking for Jenna and the Sheriff. Jenna was okay, a little shaken up at the fact Mr. Argent pulled out a 45 Caliber and shot a mountain lion in front of teenagers and distraught parents. Crystal couldn't blame her aunt to be honest.

"So, how are you?"

Lydia Martin and Crystal Thomson arrived at Beacon Hills High a few minutes ago, now walking through the halls on their way to their lockers.

Lydia looked back at Crystal, the usual flirty smirk on her face.

"Oh, the usual. Highly fashionable and extremely flirtatious as always. Something neither of the above you are, by the way." Lydia flipped her hair behind her shoulder and swayed her hips even more. Criss glanced down at her own outfit, black ripped jeans, a spiderman shirt and a leather jacket, and frowned.

"Hey, not everybody wants to make an effort coming to school. It's not like I'm trying to impress anybody." Crystal snapped. She didn't feel the need to come to school like it was a fashion runway, wearing six inch heels and skirts too short. Lydia sighed.

"Yeah, whatever. But you could at least try wear some makeup? It wouldn't hurt to touch up on the mascara. Oh and the brows, they definitely need a wax. Or a blowtorch." Lydia retorted as she arrived at her locker, grabbing a few books.

"Ha ha, very funny. And no, I'm never wearing your makeup ever again, Lydia." Crystal picked at her un-manicured nails and leaned against the locker beside Lydia's. She shut the locker quickly, causing Crystal to jump slightly.

The brunette felt a little on edge since last night, and it was most definitely because there are mythical creatures running around Beacon Hills. She couldn't sleep that well, knowing that there is something far more scary out there. Now that the secret of the town was uncovered for Crystal, she couldn't help but feel a little weird towards Allison; considering the fact her family are werewolf hunters, and Allison could very well be one of them.

"Hey, Scott!" Lydia chirped out, freeing Crystal from her own internal monologue. The mention of Scott's name caused her stomach to lurch a little. She hasn't seen the boy since his secret had been revealed, and to be honest she was a little nervous as to how he'd react. However, she turned around to see Scott scurrying away down the hall, away from the two teenagers. Lydia's smile dropped.

"Huh, that was totally unexpected." Lydia frowned slightly and grabbed a mirror from her bag, applying some lipstick.

Crystal shrugged. "Hm, I'm not all that surprised."

The bell rang, signaling the beginning of first period.

Saying their farewells and what not, Crystal made her way to first period, which so happened to be English. Entering the class, she took her seat in front of Stiles, sending a small smile his way.

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